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Cost of Giving Birth Skyrocketing!

Can you imagine paying half your annual salary just to have a baby? According to recent statistics the median household income is $50,502 and the cost of a single birth is $28,169! That is up from $17,035 before Obamacare was introduced in 2007.  Even if you have insurance, you are getting stuck with a much larger bill than previously.  In 1993 typically people with insurance paid $0 or perhaps only a very small deductible but today you could have insurance and still be liable for $22,602.  For more interesting facts about the costs  of giving birth see the following info graphic.

 Giving birth is much less pricey throughout most of the world. And still provides access to the same cutting edge care when needed.  –

Tip one: Look for hospitals and birthing centers that will bundle services. A flat fee or a sliding scale based on packages is best.  – –Most of the price difference between U.S. care and that of other nations is that we bill separately for every procedure, jacking up prices and losing efficiency.

Tip two: For healthy babies/mothers, use a midwife.  – Midwives cost much less than traditional hospital services. They are exceedingly common around most of the developed world, and are fine for pregnancies without complications.  – –Percentage midwife use–  – U.S.–8%  – Netherlands–45%  – Britain–68%

Tip Three: Check every bill. Ask for estimates. Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate.  – Mistakes on medical bills are quite common. Check to see if you were double billed, over-billed, or billed for a procedure you didn’t even receive. Once the bill checks out, negotiate to a lower price.

Tip Four: Are you low or high risk?  – Low risk pregnancies can get by with many fewer procedures, including the use of a midwife, saving big bucks.

Tip Five: Don’t be afraid to notify HR.  – Your second trimester is the recommended time at which to notify those at work. Good HR departments have the power to work out service bundles with local hospitals and clinics, and can inform you of recommended medical guidelines.

Tip Six: Save money like crazy

Tip seven: Are you having more than one child?  – Your chances of complications and need for more medical care are increased. Ask your insurance to assign you a case manager, so you can easily ask questions when you need to.

Tip eight: Foremost, look out for you/your child’s health  – Skipping needed procedures to save money can lead to much greater costs in the future. Lifelong health problems for mother and child can be much costlier than

Tip Nine: Become an expert consumer  – Quotes can be wildly misleading in medical expenses. Learn what procedures are optional, and what non-optional procedures should really cost.

Tip Ten: Be your own advocate.  – At the end of the day, it’s up to you to be proactive, knowledgeable, and a good manager of this very important stage in your life.


See Also:

What to Expect When You’re Expecting Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy The Pregnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything You Need to Know From America’s Baby Experts
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