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Packing for a Move across state lines

Prepare For Unexpected Costs When Moving Across State Lines

Whether you’re moving to a new state for school, a new job, or to be with the love of your life, this transition can be both exciting and challenging at the same time. In preparation for your move, it’s important to plan for some of the hidden costs of moving that you might encounter. Whether you move to the state next door or across the country, there may be expenses you didn’t take into account. Let’s look at some of the costs beyond a moving truck and hiring movers that you might not think of.

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Save More Money Every Month

5 Ways You Can Save More Money Every Month

We can all agree that saving money and preparing for your financial future is a vital task. But, those who intend to save money may find that a rising cost of living combined with flat wages makes saving difficult. Many will find that there is not enough money left over at the end of the month to save anything at all. While saving money can be challenging, these tips can help anyone reach their financial goals.

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Saving on Moving Expenses

How to Calculate the Costs of Relocation

If you are planning on moving, you need to know that relocation can be a difficult and stressful process. The move puts different physical and emotional pressures on us. It also exerts pressure on our finances. Knowing exactly how to calculate the costs of relocation will help you set a realistic budget for your move. This will help prevent any unpleasant surprises. The moment you realize that you want to move, you should start saving up for your new home. There are many things to consider if you want to calculate the total costs of a move. Account for both the expected and unexpected costs.

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4 Dental Procedures to Account for in Your Budget

A dentist can help you to have a beautiful smile that you will enjoy showing off. Whether you need to visit one for an emergency or for a regular check-up, you want to make sure that you have enough money budgeted out to handle any procedures you may require. Your teeth are an important part of your appearance, play a role in how you speak, and allow you to eat the foods you love, so taking care of them is a smart investment. Many dentists are affiliated with either a dental program that guarantees you a specific reduced price like 1Dental, or they accept Dental Insurance, or they have an arrangement with a financing program that allows you to pay for more expensive procedures over time.

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Commonly Overlooked Budget Expenses

4 Overlooked Financial Costs to Include in Your Family Budget

If you’ve read any of our articles you know that we believe that creating a family budget is critical to effectively managing your finances. This is especially true if you want to get out of credit card debt, since you need to be sure that your expenses don’t exceed your income. Unfortunately, many people create a budget and think everything is fine and then when the end of the month rolls around they still are “short”. This is often the result of “missed” expenses. Here are a few financial costs that are often overlooked:

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Get past living Paycheck to paycheck

How Young Families Can Move Past the Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck Phase

When first starting out, many families get in over their heads, in their rush to buy a home and get established. This often results in a lack of savings for emergencies and living “paycheck to paycheck”.
When you live paycheck to paycheck, it can seem like you are struggling to get by. You may regularly wonder what would happen if you got severely sick or seriously injured. Financial concerns may keep you up at night, and you may not feel like you can afford to take a vacation or even a random day off when you feel run down. If you are tired of living this type of lifestyle, there are a few steps that you can take.

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Household Budget

Money Mastery: The Necessity of a Household Budget

No one enjoys making a family budget… establishing a household budget can be stressful, time consuming and cause friction among family members with differing opinions on where to spend your limited resources. But unless you have unlimited money, budgeting is a necessary task to ensure you and your family keep your spending within your means. The fact that even celebrities and lottery winners have declared bankruptcy indicates that even if you have a very large disposable income you still need to live within your means.

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Useful Tips to Get Your Finances On Track

Financial health is a function of both income and expenses. There’s no doubt that unless you control your spending, you can never improve your personal finances. Charles Dickens put it this way in his classic book David Copperfield, “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought

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Save Money this College Season: Textbook Rental Trend Gains Popularity

By Mariana Ashley Back-to-school season is here. And while most incoming college freshmen have factored in the cost of tuition, housing and food, most forget to calculate the added expense of what should be one of the priciest items on their school supplies list—textbooks. Some, especially introductory freshmen course textbooks, can cost as much as

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