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INVESTMENT PLANNING: Alternative Investment Broker Can Save Your IRA, 401k

Henry Ford said “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” Does it feel like Henry designed your 401(k)? You can put your money anywhere you want as long as it’s in one of these funds. Even if you have a choice of 3,000 funds, your money is still in the stock market. How’s that working for you? You need some better options. I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Well no matter how diversified your investment in the stock market is when the market goes down, you lose. You need an Alternative Investment Broker for your investment planning.

Because you don’t have a lot of money or investment knowledge you’re probably not even aware of some of the ways rich people make money. A famous life philosopher Jim Rohn once said:” if you want to be rich study what poor people do and don’t do that”. Here is a list of some things poor people do. I have done every one of them, so I am speaking from personal experience.

  • I put all my retirement savings in the stock market based 401(k)
  • I withdraw the money in my 401(k) every time I changed jobs
  • I over pay my taxes because I didn’t have a part time business
  • I let someone who could not care less about my retirement make all the major decisions
  • I trusted experts because they had some letters after their name (PhD, CLU, CPA, CEA, CEP, etc.)
  • I relied on common wisdom instead of common sense
  • I never calculated the TRUE cost of anything
  • I liked to wish (I wished things were easier, not that I was better)
  • I would buy lottery tickets
  • I never knew where I stood  financially
  • I was always looking for ways to make more money instead of ways to control the money I made
  • I acted like I understood when I didn’t because of a fear of looking stupid


I needed to repossess my assets and never let anyone ever take control away from me again. I wanted to feel good about not only the return of my money but the return on my money. When I put my money in mutual funds I hoped for high returns and I feared the loss of my principal. When I put my money in CDs I felt secure that I would not lose principal but I hated the return I received. I realized that I was letting other people make my plans.

The average guy will never have the time to put in to studying the ins and outs of high finance. I believe most high finance was designed to trick people out of their money because there seems to always be a catch, which led me to I design a system where the average guy can put money in an 8% guaranteed interest bearing account that the principal and interest are collateralized. The system is so simple it was hard to understand why nobody else had done it before.

The WIG System

You rollover your IRA, 401k or savings account in to a SDRP (Self Directed Retirement Program) and Warr Investment Group guarantees you 8% interest. WIG pools all the money and either buys real estate contracts or lends people the money to buy income property like rental homes (i.e.,hard money loans). WIG will lend up to 85% of the real value of the property at 12% and pay you 8%, giving you the “lion’s share”. WIG then puts the title in an irrevocable trust with you as a beneficiary for the amount you deposited. In other words, the property cannot be mortgaged or sold unless you’ve been  paid. WIG Pays you 8% interest which means your interest is deposited in the next month’s real estate transaction and also become collateralize. At the end of 3 years you will have 36 different pieces of property as collateral.

I spent the last 20 years of my life calling myself a “Financial Planner” but I was a “Financial Guesser”. In the market, interest can be guaranteed, but the amount of return cannot.  Hence, financial planners are only guessing on your future. With this type of investment planning and 8% guaranteed interest you can plan your future because you know how much you will have and how much you can withdraw every month.

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