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Stop the Madness: How to Finance an Intervention

In cases involving serious chemical dependency problems, often, a simple family intervention may not be enough. You may need a professional to come in. The costs involved may be far greater than you can afford, though. You may need to find financial assistance.

Picking the Right Intervention Model

InterventionMany people shy away from the very thought of getting professional intervention help for a loved one simply because they imagine that the service may be too costly for them. To begin, it’s important to see an intervention for what it really is – a life-saving measure. Usually, when you fully see an expense in this light, you can find ways to make room in your budget for it.

Professional interventions aren’t always expensive, though. Not only do different providers charge at different levels, they offer varying levels of involvement for different budgets, too. Once you find out what you will be charged and determine the amount of financing you need to arrange for, you can consider the following avenues.

Asking Your Insurance Company

A professional intervention isn’t a proven treatment method like the biophysical detox plan, which focuses on eliminating the biochemical effects and cravings for drugs and alcohol. Intervention is at best a way to convince the patient to take his treatment seriously. For this reason, health insurance policies don’t usually cover the cost of professional interventions. If they do, they usually cover only the professional fees involved. It’s up to the family to cover any incidental expenses.

Often, professional interventions turn out to be more expensive than necessary simply because there are travel and lodging expenses involved. These are necessary when you call a professional in from afar. If you call a professional in from a local rehabilitation clinic, though, you can cut down on these additional expenses.

Finding a Clinic That Accepts Payment in Installments

It’s always a good idea to consider using the services of a clinic that is on your insurance company’s network. If you have more than one clinic to choose from, though, you should consider one that offers installment plans. If your insurance company pays only for part of the rehabilitation plan, having the choice to make monthly payments can help.

Borrowing From People You Know

An abundance of anecdotal reporting in the media shows that the recession has made borrowing from friends and family much more socially acceptable today than before. While borrowing money from outside is certainly a possibility that you should explore, asking friends and family who have an interest in the well-being of the patient is a workable plan, too.

Taking Out a Loan

 If you have equity in a home, you can consider putting it up for a home equity loan. As expensive as signature loans and payday loans are, it could be worth considering them, as well. An addiction is a life-threatening condition, after all.

The Alternative Could Be Worse

People who care enough about a loved one to think of looking for professional intervention for them are usually so involved in their lives that they need to lend them money from time to time. This is money that the addicted person is usually never able to pay back. If you find yourself worrying about the money you need to contribute for an intervention, you might think about how much you stand to save when the patient gets back on his feet. You may never need to help out with money again.

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