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Saving on Moving Expenses

How to Calculate the Costs of Relocation

If you are planning on moving, you need to know that relocation can be a difficult and stressful process. The move puts different physical and emotional pressures on us. It also exerts pressure on our finances. Knowing exactly how to calculate the costs of relocation will help you set a realistic budget for your move. This will help prevent any unpleasant surprises. The moment you realize that you want to move, you should start saving up for your new home. There are many things to consider if you want to calculate the total costs of a move. Account for both the expected and unexpected costs.

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Big Family Saving

Practical Budgeting Tips for Big Families 

Having a big family can be one of the best things in the world – the more kids the merrier! However, having more kids means having more responsibilities, and they can be expensive. That’s why big families often have to plan everything ahead and take every single thing they buy into consideration. Luckily, there are ways to spend less money, so if you too want to become more frugal, here are a few practical tips that might go a really long way.

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Save on Vacation

Frugal Living 101

Family expenses can run high, and it may seem challenging at times to stay on budget. After all, there are often home repairs, car repairs, medical bills and more that seem to develop out of the blue. To better plan and budget for unexpected expenses and to continue to live successfully on a tight budget, you need to strategically keep your regular expenses as low as possible. These tips can help you to more successfully accomplish your financial goals.

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Nautica Beach Chair

How the Nautica Beach Chair Saved Me Hundreds of Dollars

This being prime vacation season I thought I’d tell you a bit about my vacation. On Monday I set out from Virginia on my way to a week on the coast of South Carolina. Fortunately for us the sharks are hanging out a few hundred miles North of here. The weather is beautiful and the water is warm and inviting.

But like most tourist areas it seems that everything is designed to separate the hapless traveler from his hard earned money. But being a die-hard “frugalista” I’ve worked out a system to keep my money where it belongs i.e. in MY pocket.

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Tips to Keep Your Electric Bill Within Budget

Are your electricity bills killing your monthly budget? After your mortgage or rent, electricity and car expenses are the next major expenses. Don’t let your electricity bills shoot through the roof, take immediate action before it is too late. So the question arises what can you do to put a leash on your utility bill? Here are a few

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