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Things You Should Know When Investing During Your Retirement Years

You can’t simply leave your financial security up to chance. Throughout most of your life, your goal was to earn enough money to support your family and put a little aside for retirement. But once you have retired, you must have enough savings and pensions to support yourself when you no longer have a monthly salary to depend on to cover your living expenses. Investing a portion of your savings is one way to make your money work without breaking your back. When you’re investing during your retirement years, you need to be more careful and conservative because you no longer have time to recover from significant losses. Here are some tips you should remember during retirement.

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Empty Nest Finances— Downsizing Tips to Increase Your Retirement Budget

The right financial plan is an essential component for ensuring a comfortable and secure retirement. As you shift from a working income to a fixed income, finding ways to help minimize expenses can free up the funds needed to ensure a better quality of life during retirement. Here are just a few of the many options that may allow you to stretch your financial resources to cover your retirement expenses.

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Cabin in the mountains

Retiring to the Mountains: Enjoying Your Retirement

Many people dream of a simpler life, they may even dream of a “cabin in the woods”.  Of course, many would hope that this “cabin” has all the amenities including cable and Wifi.  This can actually be a good way to downsize, cut expenses and still enjoy a comfortable retirement, if you can figure out how to accomplish it. If you’ve decided to retire to the mountains, there are things that you should still consider doing. Here are some of the best ways to live out your retirement in the mountains.

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Financial Tips for Newlyweds

Newly Weds: 5 Reasons You Need a Financial Planner in the Early Years

Getting married is a joyous occasion, but it also comes with an assortment of questions. One of the biggest is how to handle your money. While you likely previously handled all your finances yourself, now you have to take your spouse into consideration. You don’t need their approval for every penny you spend, but you will need to consult them for larger decisions. Here are some reasons why a financial planner can help out in the early years of marriage.

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A Retirement Checklist: What to Do in the Year before You Retire

Planning your retirement could easily be one of the most joyous moments in one’s life – knowing you’re still vital enough to live for the next couple of decades and earning your freedom to do nothing all day long truly is amazing! However, retirement isn’t as simple as it may seem in the beginning and you need to think it through thoroughly before you embark on this journey. 

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Money Challenge 1

Money Saving Challenge

As the year starts we tend to make “New Year’s Resolutions” but by the time February rolls around we have generally forgotten them so by following this Money Saving Challenge we here at Your Family Finances are encouraging you to step up and get back in the game. If you follow the plan in this challenge you will have some guidelines to help you along the way rather than just a vague goal of “somehow” getting your financial life straight.

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Stocks vs Bonds

Retirement Reasoning: 3 Investments To Consider Now

Saving for retirement should be a part of your investment strategy as soon as you begin your adult employment. The actions you take today will help you manage the money you make during your working years, to invest for a time when you can relax and enjoy the benefits of your labor. Finding the right investment venues is not difficult. However, it does require some time and investigation to understand the benefits of each type. Here are 3 investment vehicles that have a record of providing income for your retirement years.

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When to Draw Social Security

5 Critical Things to Do Before You Retire

As you get older and reach your golden years, there are several things you need to get in order before retirement. You likely met with a financial planner many years ago who advised you to begin saving and investing to build up a financial cushion to carry you through your later years. But there’s a difference between planning for retirement and making preparations for retirement. Now that retirement is just around the corner, it’s time to make some decisions and begin making changes to your lifestyle. Here are five things to do before taking the plunge into retirement.

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Money Milestones

Has Your Family Hit These Money Milestones?

One of the biggest concerns financial planners talk about is the possibility of an impending retirement crisis. Many Americans have very little money squirreled away for their golden years. When it comes to retirement, hope alone won’t cut it. People need to start planning as early as possible for the later years. Here are some money milestones future retirees should begin working on sooner, rather than later. 

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