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Grow Your Own Money Tree

By Todd Williams

Many times when in pursuit of a goal or dream do you feel like giving up? Well if you do, you are not alone. All of us at one time feel like giving up right before we see the fruits or our labor.

When researching possible topics for this money tip, I came across an interesting concept. We have all heard the saying that money doesn’t grow on trees. However, I found a tree that at least gives an example of how we can make money grow like one!

The tree is called a Chinese Bamboo tree. This tree is interesting because when it is planted, and one fertilizes and nurtures the seed for some time, the tree has no visible signs of activity for a long time. It has been said that in some cases that for a period of five years, there may not be any sign of growth! Until one day the tree grows sixty (60) – ninety (90) feet seemingly overnight!

Two interesting questions: If the seed had not been nurtured even when there appeared to be nothing going on, would the tree have grown? Secondly, did the tree grow to 60-90 feet in five (5) years, or the period of weeks when results were visible?

The answers are: If the caretaker had stopped nurturing the seed, the tree never would have grown. If the caretaker had not been persistent, diligent, and faithful carrying out their routine task of nurturing the seed, the tree never would have lived. Secondly, the tree grew in five years even when nothing was visible above ground.

How many times do we start a saving plan or investment program and stop because we don’t see the results we desire right away? How many times do we give up on our dreams, our goals, and ultimately ourselves because current situations are very challenging?

Whatever your goal is financially, whatever you desire to accomplish, be consistent and persistent.

The amount that you save on a consistent basis is not as important as the persistence you use in continuing to save. Don’t give up. Whatever the amount of saving you put away, do it on a regular basis. Fertilize the soil, nurture the seed.

Your patience and faithfulness will give birth to a spectacular money tree.

Maximize your dreams
Overcome obstacles by organizing your life
Network to net-worth
Enjoy the moment
Yield abundance

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