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How To Enjoy Everyday Life!

By David Batchelor

All of us have large portions of our time that need to be devoted to what we will call “common life and everyday business.

“I’m sure you know what I mean, things like, laundry, grocery store trips, auto repairs, dentist’s visits, sweeping the floor, washing the dishes, going to work, etc. We tend to see these chores as being quite different from and even far below our “Spiritual Life,” or the things we do which we consider to be holy.

Most of us who really love and are devoted to God prefer the holy times to the common. Holy times are like praying, spiritual reading and meditation, sharing conversation about the Lord with friends, going to church, or other spiritual meetings. Seeing the two sides of our life as being in two entirely different categories usually causes quite a problem within the believer.

Often we feel divided within ourselves struggling to get finished with “common life and everyday business” so we can return to holy things, because we feel that we are holier or more right with God when we are doing what we believe to be holy things.

I believe this is one of the greatest deceptions of Satan. It keeps most people in a state of turmoil; dreading, and even despising the tasks of common life and everyday business.

All of us must do them; it is part of life. They cannot be avoided. So we must have understanding on how in reality (truth) there is no difference between common and holy, except in our own minds. And if we will read the Bible properly and not be so religious in our thinking, we will move into an area of freedom that will shake the gates of hell.

SATAN DOES NOT WANT YOU TO ENJOY YOUR LIFE. Naturally, if he can keep you thinking that God is only pleased with you when you are engaged in some sort of a so called “spiritual activity”; He can keep you unhappy a large part of the time. This misconception is one of his greatest tools to keep people from enjoying life. Often this comes as a vague feeling that makes a believer miserable, and he doesn’t even understand what is wrong with him. All he knows is that something is amiss.

Everything we do is to be offered to the Lord; and if done so with a pure heart of love, it becomes holy. You can do common tasks, like go to the grocery store, and it will be just as holy as prayer, as long as you do all to the glory and honor of God. In the realm of importance, prayer is certainly more important than a trip to the grocery store, but not any holier. What I mean by prayer being more important is that it has eternal value, whereas a trip to the store or mopping the floor doesn’t.

Romans 14 is an excellent chapter in the Bible to bring liberty in this area. Verses 5 & 6 (paraphrased) says: One man esteems one day as better than another (holier), while another man esteems all days alike (holy). Let everyone be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, does it in honor of the Lord. He also who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God; while he who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God.

Let’s rewrite Romans 14:5-6 for a minute (David’s translation): One man sees prayer and Bible study as better (holier) than ordinary tasks. While a person that is really free in the Lord sees them all alike (all holy), because whatever he does, he does it in honor of the Lord.

This is true liberty—to be able to live an undivided life where we categorize some things as common and some as holy. Thereby as a result, we never enjoy the common because we are desperately trying to either avoid them completely or at least to rush through them so we can get to those things that are holy.

Join me in this liberated lifestyle and begin to enjoy everyday

‘Live life to the full’ (Jn10:10) – David

See Also:

© 2002 David Batchelor has written numerous articles focusing on Tips, Strategies, Tools and how-to’s for creating the Ultimate Home Based Business.

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