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Overcoming Financial Anxiety

By Todd Williams

When the term financial planning is used many people get a sick and sinking feeling. Like math anxiety, financial anxiety can be debilitating. Below are some tips to help alleviate your money anxiety.

1. Change your focus

Instead of thinking the financial planning process is drudgery think in terms of a treasure hunt. Everyone likes the idea of finding treasure. When planning your financial future you are either finding hidden treasures by retracing your steps to find where you have misplaced your gold, or you are placing your treasure in a safe place to use later. By changing your focus of what your planning really entails, you can think clearly and really concentrate on what your goals are.

2. Have fun.

By having fun when managing your “golden eggs”, you allow yourself to be creative and look at opportunities in an optimistic light. Think of yourself as royalty or a salty ole pirate who has untold riches of silver and gold, fine linens and silks from far away lands. Trinkets specially made from hidden continents and various wonders never having been seen before. This is all yours, and you decide how to use it. When we enjoy what we do, we tend to spend more time doing it.

3. Relax

Financial trends are like tides of the ocean. Sometimes the tide is high, other times it is low. But the tide happens all the time. The most important thing to remember is that it is not the timing of the market that is important, but the time in the market. Plan for the long term. Be patient, relax, and breathe. Don’t over react to negative information (low tide). Low tide may be the best time to get into the water.

4. Become an expert about yourself.

What is your attitude about money? Are you one who spends aimlessly? Do you spend money you don’t have? Do you dream of the big score and don’t put anything away just in case? By understanding your money habits you open the window of opportunity to overcome perceived money weaknesses. This allows you appropriately handle your anxiety.

Financial anxiety is real. Learning to manage your emotions about money is the first step to
overcoming financial challenges you have.

Maximize your dreams
Overcome obstacles by organizing your life
Network to net-worth
Enjoy the moment
Yield abundance

That is what having MONEY is all about.

The application of knowledge is wisdom.

See Also:

Todd A. Williams

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