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How to Turn Your Small Spare Room into a Home Theater

Want a home theater but can’t figure out where you’d put it? You may consider that small spare room you never thought would work because of its size. Getting a home theater isn’t just about keeping up with Joneses; it’s about bringing the family together and building a space for bonding and fun. Here are some helpful tips for turning a small room into a home theater.

1. Choose the room

If you a have a couple of smaller rooms that you’re choosing between, choose the room that has the fewest windows and doors. More wall space means more shelving space and more options for where to hang the screen. Also, consider whose room the bedroom abuts. If it’s next to a wakeful toddler, that might not be the best.

2. Clear the space

You’re not going to be able to use this room as the catch-all room anymore, and that might be a first step to organizing yourself. Whatever you decide to do with that ironing board, extra craft box, and winter coats, they can’t stay in the home theater room. You can use a small room, but the room is going to get filled fast with electronics. and it will need to be cleared.

3. Use shelving

If you can’t go wide with furniture, go tall. Build shelves up to the ceiling to accommodate your videos, TV, speakers, and books while still maintaining the neatness of the room.

4. Create stadium seating

Similar to the shelving concept, seating can be set up so that you can create enough seating for the whole family. If you can’t afford to create two levels in the room, consider using palettes. Stack the palettes and attach them with nails. The size of the room will dictate how many layers you can create. If you have a wider room, use narrow seats and forego the cup holders.

5. Hide the equipment

A tangled mess of wires will make any room feel cluttered. And clutter makes rooms, small and large, feel cramped and overwhelmed. Use ties to organize the wires and hide them from view to give the sense of having plenty of room.

6. Paint

Instead of turning out the lights all of the time and risk the chance of fumbling through a cramped space, paint the room a rich dark color such as burgundy or dark blue. You’ll be able to create the sensation of a dark room even if you keep the lights on.

7. Forego the furniture

Instead of using shelves for your television and movies, hang the television and screen, and store the movies in a different area of the house. It may not seem like the most convenient idea, but it really doesn’t take long to grab a movie from the other room. Especially if you have a really small room, the lack of extra furniture can really create a sense of space and roominess.

The home theater doesn’t have to be gigantic to be a fun part of your family’s life. In fact, a small room, if painted well and set up strategically, can feel cozy and inviting.
It can also sound louder with stronger acoustics.

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