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Brand Building: Five Ideas to Kick Start Your Small Business

Editor’s Note: One of the best ways to improve your family finances is with your own small business. In addition to the extra income, another major advantage of your own business is the ability to write off expenses. The only requirement to be entitled to this major tax breaks is that you actually try to earn a profit (you don’t even have to succeed). For more information there is an excellent book called Lower Your Taxes Big Time by Ex-IRS agent Sandy Botkin. One of the first steps in creating your business is to create a name and in the process you should give some serious thought to your “Brand” and that brings us to today’s article. ~Tim McMahon, editor

Brand Building: Five Ideas to Kick Start Your Small Business

When you are first starting out with your own small business, you need to develop a brand so customers are able to know who you are and what you stand for. A brand is much more than a logo. The promise your business makes, the way you present your brand visually, and your company’s focus on customers help to define your brand and what you represent. Take time to work on these details when you are starting out so you can better communicate what you offer to your clients or customers. This process can take some time, but it allows you to be more competitive in your industry.

Definition of Brand

As a start you should know what company stands for, and what you offer that is different from everyone else. To stand out in your industry, you have to offer something different. Find out what’s going to be your focus and how you will be recognized. During the beginning stages of starting your business, think about the niche you are filling and begin to build your brand’s logo, message, purpose, mission, and promotional materials around those ideals.

Brand Name

You don’t want to overlook the power of a name as part of your brand message. Your company name needs to reflect what you stand for, but should be interesting and easy enough for new customers to remember. Brainstorm different ideas choosing keywords that fit with your industry. Try to come up with something different from your competitors but also links you to the product or service.

Creativity of Brand

For small businesses, it is important to show customers you are creative and love what you do. Customers will often go with a small business because they offer a level of innovation in products or services they can’t get with the larger chains. Consumers also know that owners of locally-owned companies do what they do because they are passionate about their community and roots. Show your business is creative through the use of multimedia platforms in your marketing and through the unique products you put out for your consumers and stay true to where you are starting from and appeal to your community ties.

Visual Appeal of Brand

In the digital age, companies need to use images to present and promote their products. Through logos, photos on websites, social media pages and the choice of font, small businesses can give customers an overall sense of their product. Sans serif fonts tend to communicate a more casual, contemporary tone, while serif fonts communicate a business is more refined and professional. Colors also communicate different messages to customers. Orange may give off a more amiable, visible vibe. Yellow can display warmth, red, boldness and subtler colors like blue and green showing dependability and healthiness. If you don’t have experience with developing a website or social media page, think about working with a company offering web or graphic design packages. Web design specialists will be able to work with you to develop a visual look and website that fits with your brand’s personality.

Customer Appeal of Brand

As a small business, it is important to always be customer driven. Even early in the processes, you want to think about your customers. Your brand purpose, tagline and images should all be geared towards your specific customer base. As you can’t appeal to every demographic, you want to think about your specific customer base from the start. Whether you are trying to appeal to teenagers, young professionals in their 30s, or married couples with kids, your brand and corresponding marketing strategy should be focused on the wants and needs of your demographic.

Having a strong sense of your brand when you start your company can allow you to focus on other aspects of your business, including your products and customer service, as you are growing. You want to make sure that your brand continues to evolve with industry trends, but you will have a better chance of building a customer base if you have basic components from the start. A name, logo and purpose can go a long way in communicating your brand.

About the Author:

“Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. For more information on coming up with graphic designs and brand building visit Arc and Co. or contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.”

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