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Keep Your Home Trash-Free with these 5 Easy Habits

If you have problems with trash accumulating around your house here are 5 simple quick habits that will keep your house trash-free with very minimal effort. Of course, you must pick up all the existing trash first. But once that is done, it is easy-peasy to keep it that way. Once you develop these habits you will be amazed at how your house is almost self-cleaning.

The first habit is to ALWAYS have a trash can in every room.

You can’t throw trash away if there is no place to put it, so having a convenient trash can makes it easy to throw stuff away. Once you’ve gotten a trash can for every room you only have to make sure it stays there so this is pretty much a set-it-and-forget-it step.

Always put a liner in the trash can. NEVER put trash in a can without a liner. You need to have liners close by so you don’t have to go very far to replace them. This means it will only take seconds to replace the liner. Get in the habit of doing this every time before throwing anything into a trash can. This will keep the trashcan itself clean so you don’t have to worry about smells and disgusting trash cans.

Never throw or set trash anywhere except into a trashcan with a liner. Even if this takes you a couple of extra steps, it actually saves effort in the long run, because you don’t have to bend over to pick up the trash and put it in the can later. Just get into the habit of ALWAYS putting trash into the trashcan.

Whenever you pass a full trashcan grab the bag and take it with you toward the outside door you use the most. Drop the bag near the door. This should take you a maximum of two seconds extra since you were on your way there anyway. (Don’t forget habit #2 before you put anything in this now empty trashcan you have to put in another liner. Whether this is just after you’ve removed the old one or before you put trash in, is up to you.)

Whenever you are going out your main door and see a bag of trash sitting there grab it and drop it in your outside trash receptacle. If you live in an apartment complex this is the only step that may take some effort if the dumpster is a distance away. But your trash is already bagged and ready to go so it shouldn’t take much extra effort.

If you develop these 5 simple habits you won’t have to look at the trash as it accumulates. Your house will be less cluttered and you will be less stressed and less depressed. (Living in a cluttered, unorganized house has been proven to be depressing and stressful.)

As you can see it only takes a few extra seconds to have a trash-free house. All you need is a few simple habits.

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