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How to Blow An Interview in Less Than 10 Seconds! Top 5 Interview Dress Mistakes

By: Shelly Rice

You may think it difficult to blow an interview in less than ten seconds, but believe me…many people do! You can blow your credibility in an instant by not looking the part for an interview. After several years of interviewing and recruiting young professionals, I have noticed several dress mistakes that men and women make over and over. Please be sure to read these carefully and do not make the same mistake yourself!

1.Wearing a suit is not good enough…it must fit well too!
One of the biggest mistakes made by interviewers is that they buy a suit to interview in and don’t bother to have it altered or fitted. An ill-fitting suit is a dead giveaway that you are inexperienced and will be willing to work for less money. Purchase one nice suit in a dark color and spend the money to have it properly fitted. You can then wear it over and over by simply changing the shirt underneath. The difference between a fitted and an unfitted suit is amazing and interviewers immediately take notice if you look confident and your clothes fit.
2.Shoes are as important as the suit.
Shoes can make or break an outfit. Men should make sure shoes are clean and polished. Do not wear dirty or scuffed shoes to an interview. Women should also have clean shoes. Women’s heels are very important do not wear a chunky heel! Select shoes that compliment your suit and have a low thin heel.
3.Hair says many things about a person.
Hair needs to be styled and recently cut. Men should have well groomed, tame hair. Make sure your neck is shaved along with all facial hair. Women’s hair should look styled and professional. Make sure your hair has been cut within the past 8 weeks so it does not look stringy and unfinished.
4.Show personality with your words, not your tie or jewelry.
Wearing cartoon characters or sports teams on your tie is a definite thing to avoid. Interviewers are looking for you to take the position at their company seriously. Also, don’t wear any large jewelry. Don’t wear anything that will take away from the competent and professional image you are trying to portray.
5.One spray of perfume/cologne is more than enough.
Your interviewer should not be able to smell you coming down the hall. You don’t want to make an impression with your perfume or cologne, so keep it down to one small spray on your interview day.

By following these simple tips you will be miles ahead of the other interviewees you will be competing against. You must represent yourself well and let the interviewer know you are a professional. Good luck with your job hunting!

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Article Source:  How to Blow An Interview in Less Than 10 Seconds! Top 5 Interview Dress Mistakes