Our current business environment has become far removed from that of even a decade ago. Now more than ever, companies are able to run successful operations on a completely remote basis. Connectivity is reaching new heights, even in residential neighborhoods and an onslaught of home-based business have emerged. Working from home, for many entrepreneurs, has been a highly rewarding career choice. As someone who has made that decision myself, I find it important to share several tools that will make you more effective as a business owner – and as an individual.
Let’s take a snapshot of several challenges you may expect to face. By rising to accommodate these circumstances, it may be possible to use them to your advantage.
Avoiding Isolation as a Home Based Business Owner
On one hand, working from home can provide a serene, distraction-free environment. Bearing that in mind, avoid the temptation to become an isolationist. It can be said that some of our greatest achievements come from the interactions we have with others. As a home-based business owner, some things I have turned to (and encourage you to do as well) is to volunteer in the community; network with civic clubs as Kiwanis’s or Rotary clubs. Be part of the town or city where you live. Don’t forget your ability to use social networking. Structure your FB or Twitter account to link back to your website. Engage people. Perpetuate what is at your fingertips so you don’t become a ‘Lone Ranger.’
Should You Meet Clients at Your Home-Based Business?
It’s the elephant in the corner; many home-based business owners don’t want their clients to know their business office has no dress code. So where do you set up meetings? Around the country, there are office spaces emerging that are for rent part-time ( whether several hours or several days) where you can nail down that final sale with your clients. Don’t forget, you can also go to their office too. There are other tools at your disposal; SKYPE video conferencing or GoToMeeting venues have grown incredibly possible as providers of virtual meeting space. Remember, it is your business and you get to choose and call the shots!
How Do I Hire People?
Social networking to add to your team is a cost-effective way to advertise positions. Don’t forget, there are other creative people like yourself. Not everyone is cut out for the 9-5 Employment model. A prospective selling point of working for your company may be promoting the “home office experience.” You’d be quite surprised, how many people will appreciate this, including Moms who want to avoid daycare and commuting costs. With tools at your disposal such as SKYPE, it’s possible to effectively manage your personnel on a remote basis. This means that you have a larger pool of potential employees as well. Your employees don’t have to be within commuting distance. They can literally be from anywhere in the world. You can even run a 24/7 operation by hiring remote employees.
Take advantage of the connectivity that we now have available to us. Even at large, traditional companies, remote working has grown increasingly popular. Use it to your advantage too!
Flexibility is the asset I personally cherish as a home-based business owner. I know many others feel exactly the same. If you’re a first time entrepreneur, your dream of owning your own business will give you an immense sense of pride and achievement. For those of us who are seasoned business owners, you may find that the work-from-home experience is highly rewarding. Be sure to meet your challenges head on, and like anything, your home business will be a Success.
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