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Reasons Other Than Just Financial for Insurance Claims

Accidents can happen to anyone at any time. You might get away without any injury, but you could just as easily be put out of action for months or even longer. Under the right circumstances, you could be eligible to make a compensation claim.

Financial Benefits

LawsuitObviously for many accidents no amount of money can make up for your injuries, but what money will do is give you peace of mind over your future. By using a qualified injury lawyer  you may have the chance to receive more than just monetary compensation to make up for what has happened to you. Financially, this will help out you and your family while you are unable to work. It can provide a cushion to fall back on while you get back on your feet either literally or figuratively. But there are other benefits other than just the financial.

A Judgment in Your Favor Can Prove that the Accident is not Your Fault

You might have a job that requires you to be in good shape or that requires you to be seen not to be clumsy or, worse, a danger to others. Sometimes an accident, be it on the road or at work, can work against your reputation or even impair your ability to keep your job. It shouldn’t, but it is possible, and that is why proving an accident is not your fault and officially putting the liability on the other party where it belongs is crucial for your future employment career. Even when an accident is not your fault, you might feel uncomfortable putting yourself in the same situation again. If you were hit by a dangerous driver or involved in a workplace accident, it might affect your confidence. Winning a claim for compensation can help you recover that lost confidence, and get back to the way life should be.

Don’t Lose Out on Income

Many jobs require physical activity – factory work and driving jobs to name two. If an injury stops you from being able to work, that is where a compensation claim can come in very handy. This may be covered by Worker’s Compensation insurance if the injury happened at work or by liability coverage if it happened due to the negligence of another person.

A Judgment Can Decide Who’s Insurance Pays

Do you know whether the homeowner’s liability insurance or your health insurance would pay if you tripped and fell on someone’s front steps? Who is liable if someone is playing baseball in the street and the ball breaks a window? What if a tree from your  neighbor’s property falls on your house? What if your neighbor is burning trash and catches your shed on fire? In each of these cases it may be necessary to get legal representation in order to get a fair settlement.

In the case of the fall, liability may depend upon negligence not simply the fact that you fell. You may be able to hold your neighbor’s insurance liable for damages his tree or baseball or burning trash does to your property, but once again negligence may play a part. On the other hand, you could be on the receiving end of a lawsuit which could be anywhere along the spectrum from being based on your negligence to a purely frivolous or vindictive lawsuit.

Recently I heard of a case where a shed caught on fire through no fault of the owner and the heat damaged vinyl siding on a neighbor’s house, but both insurance companies refused to pay the bill claiming the other was liable. The shed owner’s insurance company said there was no negligence so they weren’t liable and the homeowner’s insurance company said there was no fire in his house so his fire insurance didn’t cover it.

In cases like all of these it may be necessary to hire professional representation either to get what you deserve or to protect yourself from unjust liability.

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Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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