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4 Insightful Ways to Start the Home-Buying Process

The home buying process should be a fun and interesting one whether you are shopping for your first home or have gone through it several times before. The internet, smartphones and virtual tours have changed the way that people shop for homes these days. How can modern technology aid in your home search and provide valuable insights along the way?

Start By Searching for Your Ideal Home

When you first start your home search, don’t filter out properties based on your preferred price range or other criteria. Instead, look at every home on the market that has what you want or need from a home. Even if you can’t afford a $500,000 home near the water, you will get an idea of what you want and need from your ideal property. Those who don’t know how much homes cost in your area will get an idea of what they can afford and what they should expect to pay in their preferred parts of town.

Talk With a Mortgage Broker

Finding a home that you like is only half of the home buying process. You will eventually need to find a lender willing to give you a mortgage at terms that you can afford. Talking with a mortgage broker can help you learn more about the types of loans that you may qualify for, what your down payment should be, how much closing costs may be and since the size of the mortgage is a function of current interest rates, length of the loan and your credit rating a mortgage broker can help you decide how big a mortgage you can afford.

Consult With a Title Attorney and Real Estate Agent

It may be a good idea to consult with both your attorney and real estate agent about any homes that you are interested in buying. Either party may be able to look into whether or not the title is clean. Learning more about title insurance, like the professionals at TitleSmart would encourage you to do, is always helpful when buying a home. Learning what title insurance is and how to go about acquiring it will help the home-buying process.

Go to an Open House by Yourself

home-buying processGoing to an open house can get you acquainted with what is available in your area within your price range. It may also help you gather ideas as to what you like in a home and how you may be able to renovate or upgrade an existing property to better meet your needs.

At the end of the home-buying process, you should have a home that you will love and enjoy for many years. Therefore, take your time looking at as many houses and talking with as many lenders as necessary to ensure that you get the property that you want at a price that you can afford.

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