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Wet Floor? 5 Tips to Get Your Slip-and-Fall Claim Settled Quickly

One of the most common kinds of accidents is a slip and fall accident. The scariest thing about a slip and fall is that one can happen anywhere and completely without warning. Victims have no ability to defend their bodies from the serious injuries and trauma that can result. Unfortunately, sometimes the consequences can last for the rest of their life. Despite how serious such an injury can be, an insurance company may be resistant when it comes to settling your claim. When this happens, it’s important to know your rights. Below are five tips for getting your slip and fall claim settled quickly.

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How to buy Used

Buying Your First Car? Here Are Some Tips

A first-time car buyer journey is quite an adventure. According to Pure Cars, an average car shopper considers at least 14 brands during the purchasing process, but only ends up visiting two dealerships at most before sealing the deal. To reach this stage of final purchase, you must first go through a series of steps to ensure that the first car you buy is the right one for you. Here are tips that will work along the way.

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3 Ways to Pay Less for Insurance in 2020

Saving on your family’s insurance is an essential way to hit your financial goals for 2020. Since most insurance policies come up for renewal at least once a year, now is the time to start thinking about your best options for protecting your family’s assets during an accident or unforeseen disaster. These three strategies are all effective ways to pay less for your insurance policies so that you have more money to put toward other needs.

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7 Types of Insurance

The Insurance You Need to Protect Your Family

When all is going well, we might think insurance is just a waste of money but, just when you think you have everything under control, life decides to throw you a curveball. Whether your little one was hit in the mouth at baseball practice or your newly licensed teen had a fender bender, having the right kind of insurance can go a long way toward keeping you and your family protected. Below are five of the most important types of coverage you should have.

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Dealer Ripoffs

Steps You Can Take Now to Start Searching for Your Next Vehicle

Getting a car can be an exciting experience; however, it can also be stressful. There are many things you have to consider before acquiring a new one. The amount of money you have in the bank, the price of the vehicle you want and its condition, the plan for your current car, and deciding whether to lease or buy are a few of the factors you need to keep in mind before getting involved with a dealership. It isn’t an easy decision to make. There are a lot of costs and fees associated with a car, so you have to be prepared before making such a commitment. The following steps will help you simplify the process of obtaining your next vehicle.

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Term vs Whole life

When Should You Get Life Insurance?

At the height of your youth, you may feel invincible to some extent. This is especially true for single people in their 20s or 30s who are free from the physical, emotional, psychological, or financial responsibilities of having a family and are at the peak of health even after some questionable life choices when it comes to their diet and other everyday habits. That sense of reckless abandon when it comes to dealing with finances and health can make people shortsighted when preparing for their future. Young people these days tend to splurge on the latest gadgets, fashion, or on eating out (which is costlier than buying ingredients and prepping your own food) and seem deliberately oblivious of the risks to their finances when they make these purchases.

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How to handle an injury

How to Handle an Injury With No Insurance

Being injured when you don’t have insurance can be a scary prospect. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have options to help you pay for your medical care. Here are some of the steps that you’ll need to take in order to handle your injury without having to go into debt. Often Doctors and hospitals will give you a discount if they know you don’t have insurance. Actually, they usually end up giving insurance companies a discount as well. Even though they say the rate for a certain procedure is $10,000, the insurance company will often only pay them $2,000 or $3,000 and they write off the balance.  So there is no reason why you can’t negotiate the same discount.

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Buying a car deal

Car Hunting on a Budget

We strongly recommend only buying a car that you can pay cash for. Even if you just start with an old “beater” and then take the money that you would have spent on payments and pay them to yourself until you can afford to buy something better. However,  most people don’t have the cash to buy a car and don’t follow this “beater” system. Thus, they must finance their vehicle and end up paying extra for interest. To make matters worse, some buyers make the mistake of not doing their homework, and this causes them to lose hundreds or even thousands of dollars in a bad deal. Read on for advice on buying a car on a budget.

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