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4 Sources of Quick Cash

With debt at an all-time high in the United States and with most Americans carrying thousands of dollars of debt, it is no wonder that many people are looking at ways to cut back, pay down debt and trim expenses. While some changes are obvious, such as making a budget and sticking to it each month, some ways to pay down debt may be a bit more hidden. Here are four smart resources for raising cash if you feel as if you are in debt up to your eyeballs.

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Divorce finances

Financial Preparation is Essential to Surviving a Divorce

Divorce is emotionally and financially draining and the more contention the more expensive it gets. One of the hardest parts of many divorces is the division of assets especially in families with large incomes and many physical assets. However, this can also be difficult in smaller, one-income homes where one person may suddenly find themselves without access to any income. Here are five tips that will make planning for financial success a more complete reality as the divorce pends.

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Avoid being “house poor” by taking these 4 steps

We’ve all heard cautionary tales of new homeowners who have ended up “house poor.” Yes, their homes may be gorgeous and enviable, but that asset is all they have. But in reality, they’re struggling to afford their homes and live their lives comfortably. And, if there’s one thing you don’t want to do as a buyer, it’s to find yourself in a similar position. Here are the steps you can take during your home search to ensure you find a home that works with your wallet and keeps you comfortably in your budget:

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Real Estate Expectation vs. Reality

How Real Estate Helps You Leapfrog To Wealth

Real estate investment. It seems you can’t turn on a weekend television program and not hear how yet another person has amassed untold wealth through real estate. HGTV reality shows make it all seem so easy, right? But what’s the real deal on this often-talked-about form of investment? Once we finally pay off our student loans we seriously begin looking for ways to better manage our monetary finances. This is when talk starts to focus on likely investments that would make this a reality. Enter real estate.

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Financial Advisor

4 Tips to Better Managing Your Finances and Assets

Everyone “knows” that managing your personal finances is a very important aspect of overall success. But knowing that you need to be good with money and prepare for the future, and actually doing it can be two entirely different things. While managing finances can be challenging, here are four tips that can be followed to help anyone better manage their personal financial situation.

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