How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
Why Work if You Don’t Have To?
Ideally, your work should allow you to take the best of what’s in you and express it to the world. It should give your life dignity and meaning, whether you’re writing software, fixing teeth, or just raising happy, productive kids. No matter how you spend your days, you have a clear choice. You can think of your work entirely in terms of responsibilities and obligations. Or you can view it as a contest, a challenge, an opportunity. Because if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, there’s little chance your work will please or impress anyone else.
Read MoreHow to Blow An Interview in Less Than 10 Seconds! Top 5 Interview Dress Mistakes
You may think it difficult to blow an interview in less than ten seconds, but believe me…many people do! You can blow your credibility in an instant by not looking the part for an interview. After several years of interviewing and recruiting young professionals, I have noticed several dress mistakes that men and women make over and over. Please be sure to read these carefully and do not make the same mistake yourself!
Read MoreWhat is Section 179 Depreciation?
if you’d like to get some big bucks back from some major business expenses this year, you should elect to file the 179 deduction, because this will not automatically be done for you.
Read MoreStock Trading Education: A Primer For the New Investor
The stock market could very well be scary for any new investor. There are lots of difficulties and puzzling terms that may lead to difficulties (not to mention reduction of capital) for anyone trying to obtain stock trading education. So….what should an individual do to safeguard themselves while studying the basics of the market?
Read MoreSimple Credit Repair Guide
If you have just been turned down by a lender for any kind of loan because of your credit profile, you are probably wondering what to do next.
Read MoreDo You Use an Online Shopping Directory When You Buy?
75 percent of Americans like to save money and time by shopping online… Online shopping is more convenient, Saves time, Comparison shopping is quick and easy…
Read MoreSavings Account Interest Rates
Many banks, whether they are online or local, now offer high APR savings accounts. The point of these accounts is to give you place to set aside money and see it grow. You should put money in a savings account in order to work toward something, such as a vacation or just to provide an […]
Read MoreMoney Management Techniques That Will Help You
Life is hard at the best of times but it is doubly difficult to make ends meet at the present time. What with the credit crunch, the downturn in the global economies and job cuts in almost all the industries. We all want to live the life of our dreams by having a better house to live in, drive the car of our dreams and pay our bills without having concerns about our bank balance at the end of the month. Most of these things are possible with changing our lifestyle and better money management. All of this is achievable with proper budgeting advice.
Read MoreWhat You Should Know When Getting a Mortgage
Mortgage lenders are usually very keen on reminding potential clients about all the conditions and terms of a home loan. However, there will still be some cases when important information are left out…
Read MoreInvesting on a Fixed Income
In order to invest you must first have money to invest and this requires savings. Depending on your situation, your disability may have eaten up your savings or you may have none at all. It is harder to save on a fixed income but it is not impossible…
Read MoreThe Jars Method of Budgeting
The key to financial freedom is to have more income than expenses. But even better than “earned income” is “Passive income”. Using the “jars” system will help you get organized and begin saving and investing in order to develop that passive income.
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