
How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season

Hurricane season in Florida is an annual event that brings a mix of anxiety and preparation. The financial impact of a hurricane can be significant, but with the right strategies, you can safeguard your finances and ensure you’re prepared for whatever the season brings. This guide offers comprehensive advice on how to financially prepare for hurricane season in Florida so that you can face the storm with confidence and peace of mind.
Index card financial advice

4 Steps to Achieving Financial Stability

By Tim McMahon | January 19, 2018

Anyone who has lived paycheck to paycheck knows that it’s no fun. You struggle to scrape by every month, you’re constantly stressed about money and even a minor emergency could put you in difficult spot. Fortunately, you can achieve financial stability if you follow the right strategy.

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Financial Planning: More Than a Savings Account

By Guest Author | January 15, 2018

There is little in life more satisfying than setting a goal, sticking to it, and then seeing your hard work and discipline pay off. This is especially true when meeting your savings goals for an “Emergency Fund,” then a College Fund. However, building up your savings account shouldn’t be the extent of your financial planning. Here are a few ways to make your savings the beginning of even more financial success.

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Car Financing

Say Hello to a Good Buy: How to Make Financing a Car Less Complicated

By Guest Author | January 10, 2018

If you look at your car and wonder how much longer it’s going to get you where you need to go, it might be necessary to replace it with a newer model. If you haven’t saved up enough to pay cash for your next vehicle, the thought of financing a vehicle may be frightening, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can find financing that is simple and straightforward. Here are a few suggestions to help.

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Hot Water Saving Tips

Big Family? Top Strategies for Saving on Utilities

By Guest Author | January 9, 2018

Large families tend to use more energy than smaller families. This can add up in the costs department. Here are some strategies to help save money on your energy bills:

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Let It Snow! 5 Expensive Winter Problems to Avoid

By Guest Author | December 29, 2017

Winter landscapes laden with snow are beautiful to view from the cozy warmth of your home, but snowy conditions can be the cause of expensive damage to your residence and property. Homeowners should always keep in mind that the water content in snow and ice is very heavy and can put additional stress on structures and trees. A few simple actions can help to minimize the risk of damage. Here are a few measures you can take to prevent damage from snow and ice that will help you avoid expensive repairs.

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Buying a Car

Negotiating a Good Deal on a New Car

By Guest Author | December 22, 2017

Purchasing a new car can be a major investment, and that is why you want to be absolutely sure you are getting a great vehicle at the right price.

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Bubble wrap windows

Renting an Older Home? 4 Utility Cost-Saving Updates

By Guest Author | December 18, 2017

If you’re renting an older home, you may discover that utility costs are more than you might expect. There are several reasons that you may be paying more than in a newer home. Often, they are little issues that can easily be fixed for just a few dollars. Consider making a few updates to your rental to save money in the long run. Just be sure to get landlord’s approval before beginning any project.

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Personal Finance in School

How Parents Can Help Their Teens Learn to Manage Money

By Guest Author | December 15, 2017

Parenting a teenager is largely an exercise in transitioning your child into adulthood. This is not an overnight development, but rather an ongoing process. Unfortunately, the public school system today favors theoretical knowledge over practical skills.

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How Bond Investing Works

Looking To Invest? Bonds To Consider

By Tim McMahon | December 7, 2017

When you decide to invest money, it’s important to commit to doing the appropriate research that will protect your financial investment. When you think of saving you generally think of a bank. And when you think of investing generally you think of either stocks or bonds. Stocks are a form of ownership while bonds are a form of debt. So if you buy a stock you participate in the good fortune of a company but you also can participate in its losses. Bonds on the other hand are you loaning money to a company. You don’t participate in any appreciation you are simply paid interest for using your money. You also don’t have the risk of the company value decreasing. Even if a company goes bankrupt bondholders are ahead of stockholders in getting their money back. For this reason bonds normally have a lower yield than stocks, but also a lower risk.  There are several different types of bonds and bond funds. Typically the difference is based on the type of issuer but differences also come from how the bond is structured.

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Thrift Shop Challenge

Parent Problems: 4 Thrifty Ways to Prepare Yourself for Teenagers

By Guest Author | December 6, 2017

It might seem like just yesterday you brought your newborn babies home from the hospital, but now, they’re teenagers. This is an exciting time to be a parent, but it’s also one that comes with its own share of anxieties and uncertainties, one of the biggest of which is, money. Parenting teenagers can be expensive and you need to know how best to deal with it. Here are four thrifty ways to prepare yourself for teenagers.

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Injury Case

4 Factors That Determine Your Personal Injury Case’s Worth

By Guest Author | December 5, 2017

When you’re hurt in a personal injury, it’s fair to want to know the value of your case. In some ways, valuing a personal injury case is a simple math problem. Other parts of valuing a claim are more complicated. Here are four factors that determine the value of your personal injury case:

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Credit Score 720

Going from Zero to 720 Credit Score in One Year

By Guest Author | November 29, 2017

your credit score can have a big impact on many different areas of your life. If you have little or no credit history merchants don’t know if they can trust you or not so they charge you big deposits for everything including getting a cell phone, renting a car, renting an apartment or getting the electricity turned on. These deposits can be several thousand dollars! But if you had a good credit rating they would waive these deposits altogether.

If your credit score is not the best at the moment, you could be thinking about taking steps to improve it, but might not know the best ways to do so. Below are some of the things you should think about when it comes to your credit score.

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