How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
What to Do if You Get a “Windfall”
Everyone has dreamed of getting a “windfall” of some sort at one time or another. At first, getting a lot of money can feel like a tremendous boon. But, without the right money management skills many people find that their settlements become exhausted far too quickly.
Read MoreWill a Court Case Cost or Save You Money?
Going to court to receive damages for a personal injury lawsuit seems almost American these days. If you have been injured, you expect the guilty party that caused your injury to legally compensate your pain, suffering, or disfigurement in some fashion or other. But is going to court all it is cracked up to be? Will the injured party truly come out ahead? Here are some factors to consider before jumping feet first into taking someone to court for a personal injury claim.
Read MorePaying for a New Vehicle
Once your kids start driving, the idea of getting their own car may become a major issue in your house. And this of course brings up other issues. You may want them driving an older vehicle for fear they might damage a brand new one. Alternatively, if you can muster the means, you may want them driving a newer car or truck because it is safer and more reliable. Either way, the issue of saving money to finance the new ride and which vehicle you are be able to afford will have a huge impact on what you choose. Here are some tips on how to save for the vehicle your family needs.
Read MoreThe Three Different Kinds of Debt and How to Avoid Them
Being overwhelmed by finances is never good, but we all know the feeling. Creating a budget is a good place to start, but if you don’t know the truth about different kinds of debt it will be hard to know what you’re getting into. Before you get in debt, you should know what types there are and how to avoid them if possible.
Read MoreImproving Your Home’s Value
Buying a home is probably the largest purchase you will ever make. Home ownership can be one of the most valuable investments or one of the biggest liabilities you will ever have. So it’s important that you really consider every aspect before buying, so that once it’s yours, it becomes a great asset for you and your family. Obviously you want your property to build equity over the years so when you decide to sell, there will be a profit.
Read MoreCan a Double-wide Save Your Retirement?
Retirement is actually a fairly recent invention. In ancient times people didn’t often live long enough to retire and those that did were often unable to accumulate enough savings to live on and thus simply relied on their children to support them while also continuing to contribute to the family to the best of their ability. There were several attempts to establish a government pension including one established during the Revolutionary war and although the states were responsible for making payments, they fulfilled their obligation to only 3,000 disabled veterans. Private pensions however, got their start during WWII. During the war, the National War Labor Board froze wages in an effort to prevent (i.e. to mask) inflation. But simultaneously there was a massive shortage of workers due to the war effort so companies offered other benefits like the defined benefit pension plan to woo workers.
But then in the 1960’s and 70’s massive stock market gains made some companies believe that their pension plans were “over-funded” so they began raiding their pension plans but then the stock market took back the gains and the plans were underfunded so companies began switching to individual IRA’s and 401k plans. So then people were no longer guaranteed a secure retirement since it now depended on your individual contribution, as well as the company portion. Today Dennis Miller will look at some alternatives to save your retirement.
Read MoreFinishing Your Basement and How to Keep the Cost Down
Unless you have unlimited funds it is always necessary to “count the cost” before beginning a major project like finishing your basement. The key of course is to know where you can and where you can’t “cut corners”. Whether you do all the construction work yourself or hire help costs can really add up. Here are a few steps to help keep costs down and still be able to have a basement that is beautiful, and a wallet that is just as full.
Read MoreEnjoy Retirement Have Enough Money to Stay Independent.
“Part of aging is realizing that you cannot change the past, understanding that no one promises you tomorrow, and finally deciding to enjoy the moment.”
But in order to enjoy your retirement you need to have planned and saved for it properly. In today’s post Dennis Miller looks at life after work. ~ Tim McMahon, editor
Read MoreTips for Staying on Budget While Keeping Resolutions
If you are looking to make big changes in your life so you can lose weight or simply live a healthier lifestyle, you might assume that you’ll have to spend quite a bit of money on your lifestyle change. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be the case. If you follow these simple tips, you can stay on budget while transitioning to a healthier lifestyle.
Read MoreMoney Mastery: The Necessity of a Household Budget
No one enjoys making a family budget… establishing a household budget can be stressful, time consuming and cause friction among family members with differing opinions on where to spend your limited resources. But unless you have unlimited money, budgeting is a necessary task to ensure you and your family keep your spending within your means. The fact that even celebrities and lottery winners have declared bankruptcy indicates that even if you have a very large disposable income you still need to live within your means.
Read More5 Steps to Improving Your Home’s Value
When it comes to the value of your home, it’s all about appealing to the masses. While you may love having a pool, far too many buyers look at this feature and see the maintenance costs as a liability. So consider resale value before making major changes. Here are five steps you can take to make your home look more favorable to most buyers, and that will result in a rising value.
Read MoreThe Most Overlooked Threat to Your Buying Power
For a long time, the conventional wisdom was to keep 20-35% of a retirement portfolio in cash. Today holding that much cash in the bank or your brokerage account is like a leaky faucet. It leaves your purchasing power going drip, drip, drip. And a bundle hidden under a mattress? Don’t even think about it!
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