
How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season

Hurricane season in Florida is an annual event that brings a mix of anxiety and preparation. The financial impact of a hurricane can be significant, but with the right strategies, you can safeguard your finances and ensure you’re prepared for whatever the season brings. This guide offers comprehensive advice on how to financially prepare for hurricane season in Florida so that you can face the storm with confidence and peace of mind.

Saving Now: How to Prepare Financially for Your Retirement

By Tim McMahon | January 12, 2015

It is essential to start saving money as soon as you can, in order to have enough money during your retirement. There are many ways to save money for retirement including personal savings accounts, retirement savings plans from your employer, and Individual Retirement Accounts, also known as IRA’s. Take a look at these different ideas for saving you money and preparing for your future the right way.

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Financial Planning: Ideas to Get Your Medical Bills in Order

By Guest Author | January 7, 2015

Medical bills are a major issue for people all over the United States, and it isn’t just people who fall under the poverty line who are struggling to pay these expenses. After all, even people who are gainfully employed may find it difficult to pay for an extended stay in the hospital or an emergency surgery that could cost $25,000, $50,000 or even more.
However, medical bills don’t have to be a noose around your neck, and they don’t have to keep you up all night. There are ways you can begin to pay them off and get your finances under control.

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Rebalance Your Retirement Portfolio for Optimal Protection

By Dennis Miller | December 23, 2014

Portfolio rebalancing can be a very effective strategy, particularly with money earmarked for retirement. No one can guarantee the market will come back quickly from a downturn. Retirement investors must protect their principal because they might not have time to recover from a 40-50% drop in their net worth.

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Be a Good Boy Scout with Your Finances

By Dennis Miller | December 12, 2014

A single bad market event can have catastrophic effects on your retirement funds so it is important to have safeguards in place to help reduce the possibility of waking up one morning and finding your nest eggs broken. The brokerage community insists that if you are just patient enough your portfolio will rebound but, what if it doesn’t? In today’s article Dennis Miller takes a look at some steps you can take to help protect your Life’s savings.

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Take Back the Retirement You Dreamed Of

By Dennis Miller | November 26, 2014

With the current economy some people are postponing retirement for a few years or working part-time during retirement in an effort to pay the bills. No one wants to end up in retirement working at Walmart as a “Greeter” or cashier… so lets look at what can be done to plan for a quality retirement.

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Health Insurance

Financing Health: How to Plan for Emergency Bills

By Guest Author | November 21, 2014

Paying for unexpected medical bills can be costly and set you back financially if you are not prepared. However, there are some things you can do to minimize the impact of future emergency medical costs and other unexpected expenses. We have put together a list of practical ways you can better prepare for emergency expenses, no matter where they come from.

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Will You Blow $180,000 of Your Social Security?

By Dennis Miller | November 18, 2014

Optimizing your Social Security payments hinges on more than the age you at which you start receiving benefits. Guru’s and financial planners often make it sound easy to decide when is the optimal point to begin collecting your Social Security. But the question is really trickier than it might seem. Every situation is different and with many couples having two working spouses eligible to collect Social Security deciding on the perfect age to begin collecting is even trickier. But there are a variety of options… some of which are rarely discussed… including having the spouse with the shortest life expectancy begin collecting early while the other waits until later. In today’s post Dennis Miller looks at a few other options you should consider.

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IRS Civil Asset Forfeitures Targets Noncriminals

By Guest Author | November 15, 2014

n addition to the IRS targeting members of conservative organizations it appears that the IRS and other government agencies are targeting ordinary citizens for “Asset Forfeiture” which is another word for outright theft as there is no “due process” involved and the defendant is presumed guilty until proven innocent. In today’s post Matt Chilliak of Live and Invest Overseas describes this latest threat to our “Pursuit of Happiness”.

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No Medical Exam Required

The Tale of Two Insurance Policies

By Tim McMahon | November 3, 2014

Are insurance companies just counting on people being ignorant or lazy? Don’t be one of them, be sure to compare prices and coverage before you send any money. In this post we will look at two different term insurance policies and what to look out for.

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Afraid Your Money Will Vanish before You Do?

By Casey Research | October 23, 2014

The Employee Benefit Research Institute surveys workers each year concerning their retirement confidence. Despite an uptrend, the latest report shows that 82% of workers feel less than “very confident” about having enough money to retire comfortably.

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9 Ways to Retire Rich

By Dennis Miller | October 16, 2014

For real people, building a rich retirement requires creative solutions beyond “start saving early.” In today’s post Dennis Miller looks at conventional wisdom and compares theory with practice. He shows that the average investor doesn’t even keep up with inflation (i.e. he actually loses purchasing power with every year that goes by.)

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Retirement Planning for the Bommerang Generation- Infographic

By Guest Author | October 2, 2014

Recently, our friends at Milliman Employee Benefits created an infographic on retirement planning for the millennial generation. Millennial’s parents were from the “boomer” generation and because so many of the millennial generation  are returning to live with their parents they have gotten the nickname the “boomerang” generation. Of course, if you are living in your […]

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