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College Hustles

Make Extra Money while Going to College

College is expensive and can set the stage for debt payments for years and years to come. The average student today expects to rack up about $40,000 in student loans and believes it will take 10 years to pay off them off. According to U.S. News “The standard repayment plan for federal student loans puts borrowers on a 10-year track to pay off their debt, but research has shown the average bachelor’s degree holder takes 21 years to pay off his or her loans.” 
The first step is to make every effort to not rack up the debt in the first place this can include things like going to Community College to get the basics first (at a much lower cost) and earning money while in college. 

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Thrift Shop Challenge

Parent Problems: 4 Thrifty Ways to Prepare Yourself for Teenagers

It might seem like just yesterday you brought your newborn babies home from the hospital, but now, they’re teenagers. This is an exciting time to be a parent, but it’s also one that comes with its own share of anxieties and uncertainties, one of the biggest of which is, money. Parenting teenagers can be expensive and you need to know how best to deal with it. Here are four thrifty ways to prepare yourself for teenagers.

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Money Milestones

Has Your Family Hit These Money Milestones?

One of the biggest concerns financial planners talk about is the possibility of an impending retirement crisis. Many Americans have very little money squirreled away for their golden years. When it comes to retirement, hope alone won’t cut it. People need to start planning as early as possible for the later years. Here are some money milestones future retirees should begin working on sooner, rather than later. 

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College Grad with books-

5 Financial Tips For New College Students

Going to college can be both frustrating and exciting at the same time. For many people, college is a learning experience that teaches many of the essentials of life. But in addition to just learning from books you are also learning how to live int he adult world. And a big part of that is managing your financial life. Here are five financial tips to help new students adjust to college life.

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Kids Going to College? Ease the Financial Burden

Blogs and bookshops alike are often inundated with financial guides to help students get ready for the monetary challenges that the college years may bring. However for parents, knowing the necessary financial provisions can be more difficult especially for those who have not had the college experience themselves. Of course your teenager is going to

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