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4 Side Hustles to Pocket Some Coin

Prices are skyrocketing on almost everything these days. Whether you’re shopping for groceries, buying a new car, or making some home improvements, price inflation is almost everywhere. Yet rather than fall behind financially, you may want to find some easy ways to make some extra money. If so, here are four good side hustles and one not-so-good one that can help cover those increases.

Take Online Surveys?

If you are someone who likes expressing their opinion, perhaps you’ve considered trying to make extra money by taking online surveys. You’ve probably heard that you can sign up with various sites to be sent different types of surveys. You probably won’t get rich filling out surveys, but if you are stuck at home, you might be able to pick up a few extra bucks. In the following video, Daniel Inskeep checks out a few survey opportunities to see how much money he could make in a weekend.


One of the oldest side hustles in the world is babysitting! But in today’s world, babysitting is not just for teenagers. In fact, many people report they have a very hard time finding babysitters who provide high-quality and reliable service for their children. If you love kids and have some time to spare, babysitting can be a good steady source of income. Once word gets around about how great you are with kids, you’ll have more business than you ever thought possible.


Pizza delivery has been around for a long time, and then came Amazon with next-day delivery for a variety of other products but since the pandemic, people have really gotten hooked on the idea of having stuff delivered directly to their door. It is convenient and saves a lot of time. So if you have a car and want to cash in on this trend, you can pick up extra cash with companies like Door Dash.

Sell Scrap Metal

If you like recycling your used cans, why not make money? Rather than just tossing your used soda cans, pet food cans, and other types of metal into your home’s recycling bin for curbside pickup, gather those cans and make a trip to a local scrap metal yard. When you do, you might be very surprised to see just how many dollars they are willing to put in your hand.

You can take this to the next level by scouting your neighborhood, knowing what types of metal pay the best and where to find them.

Advertise on Your Car

Yes, you could get paid each and every time you are driving around your town or city if you are willing to turn your car into a four-wheel rolling advertisement for local businesses. Most companies want to do a full vehicle wrap on your car, others may be satisfied with a partial wrap. A full wrap could pay as much as $1,500 per month! While a partial wrap may only pay $300 per month. A lot depends on where and how much you drive and the product being advertised.

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