How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
Credit Cards
When to use a credit card.
Read MoreCollege Education Loans
“A Federal Consolidation Loan is an outstanding debt-management tool. It can help you repay your federal education loans at a low, fixed interest rate with flexible repayment terms. Consolidation can lower your monthly payments by up to 60 percent. “Consolidation allows for significantly reduced monthly payments since the repayment period may be extended to as […]
Read MoreObservations from a Certificate of Deposit (CD) Investor
All of us have money that we cannot afford to lose. The rest of our cash goes into the stock market. How much goes into each category is a personal choice. This article addresses the ‘cannot afford to lose’ money and offers some tips on how to invest it in CDs. We all should keep […]
Read MoreFinancial Calculators for All
Financial Calculators for Mortgages If you would like to calculate whether a mortgage is right for you here are several calculators that will help. What will it take for you to pay off your mortgage? This Mortgage Payoff Calculator helps you find out. Rent vs. Own Mortgage Calculator– This tool will allow you to estimate […]
Read MoreYour Income Tax Refund: Sofa, Pecs, or Freedom?
By Darlene Arechederra What will your tax refund ‘buy’ for you this year? A lovely sofa? Perfect Pecs? Freedom? I hate to admit it, but I almost bought the Pecs. I opened a colorful brochure that caught my eye… And, there it was… the perfect way to *invest* my refund: in myself — with my […]
Read MoreWealth is Only a Decision Away
By David Batchelor Today, because of the multitude of choices we all have, it is easy to get distracted from where we want to go in life. I would like to offer you a few suggestions on how to find your path and stay on your path to great wealth, if you should choose to […]
Read MoreYour Beliefs Are Your Destiny
By David Batchelor Belief is a feeling of certainty – but being certain of what? Being certain of possibilities. When we believe something, what we really believe is that that thing is possible. Life after death… a cure for cancer or Lupus or AIDS… success in any endeavor… we either believe it’s possible or we […]
Read MoreWhy Women Should Collect Houses
By Debra Lohrere Editor’s Note: Although this article is primarily written to Australians the principles apply equally to others around the world. Just remember “Superannuation” means “retirement fund”. ~ Tim McMahon, editor We can no longer rely on the government to hand out an old aged pension cheque to us once we retire. We cannot […]
Read MoreWhat’s the Point?
By David Batchelor Each day for five or six days a week you come to work. Perhaps you come to work in your own business or maybe you are working for someone else. Either way, you are investing a lot of time and energy helping this business to succeed. Why should it? I am really […]
Read MoreSheep get sheered; Pigs get fat; Hogs get slaughtered
By Todd Williams Some of the biggest questions on many people’s minds are, How do I make more money? What is the secret to increasing my wealth? Should I get a part-time job and trade more hours for dollars? Should I work harder or smarter? What must I do? We all have bills to pay, […]
Read MoreSearching For Happiness in All The Wrong Places
By Sharon L. Demarte, M.A. Recently I realized I am happy! I have found happiness! Oh, I have a couple of challenging life situations going on at the moment, but my overall state is that of happiness. I write this in a state of awe that I have actually gotten to this place and excitement […]
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