
How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season

Hurricane season in Florida is an annual event that brings a mix of anxiety and preparation. The financial impact of a hurricane can be significant, but with the right strategies, you can safeguard your finances and ensure you’re prepared for whatever the season brings. This guide offers comprehensive advice on how to financially prepare for hurricane season in Florida so that you can face the storm with confidence and peace of mind.

Boost Your Credit BEFORE Buying Your 1st Home

By Guest Author | May 12, 2018

Buying a home is always a very big and important decision. When you are looking for your next home, making sure that you will qualify for the best possible mortgage is a great idea. To get the best deal, you will need to make sure that your credit is in good order before you try and buy the property. Remember a better credit score means a lower interest rate and even a half percent can make thousands of dollars difference on a mortgage. 

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Buying a New Car? How Your Credit Score Can Affect Your Purchase

By Guest Author | May 2, 2018

Even though most people might dread the car buying process, it’s even worse if your credit isn’t in good condition. Your credit has a huge impact on your ability to buy a car and the ease of the process of buying a car. Think of each of these ways your credit affects the car buying process before you start your new car search.

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Top Considerations for Making Your Home Remodel Affordable

By Tim McMahon | May 1, 2018

Remodeling your home doesn’t need to be an expensive, time-consuming, or confusing process. With a few simple updates and upgrades, you could drastically change the form and function of your home. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to carry out your next remodeling project on a shoestring budget.

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Coin Collecting: 6 Ways to Get the Most Money out of Your Collection

By Guest Author | April 23, 2018

Coin collecting is a time-honored and highly enjoyable hobby. Every collector, at some point, will need to understand the intricacies of selling, however. Whether you wish to sell a single coin or need to sell your entire collection, you will want to get all the money you can for it. Here are six ways to get the most money out of your coin collection.

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4 Home Improvement Projects You Can Save Money On

By Guest Author | April 20, 2018

Having a home can often mean that you have an endless list of projects that you want to complete. The best way to save some money is to tackle these tasks yourself. Some of these projects may actually end up saving you money on your other home expenses.

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How To Spot Major Used Car Maintenance Issues Like A Pro

By Guest Author | April 18, 2018

There’s more to finding a great deal on a used car than looking at the sale price. Beyond how much you’ll have to pay to drive the car home, you need to think about the long-term prospects of how much that particular pre-owned car will cost you. Sure, that used car may seem like a steal at the moment, but it also can be a ticking time bomb that could blow up in your face — leaving you with hefty repair bills. Ultimately, putting you in a really bad position.

Although buying a car — used or new — is a bit of a risk under even the best circumstances, buying a used car means you should be extra-careful. You may not be able to make your used car purchase a 100 percent success. Though you can take a lot of the risk out of buying a used car if you know the warning signs of which you should be aware. By taking a few moments to look for some of the most common warning signs of maintenance issues, you can save yourself the nightmare of buying a lemon and be much more confident in your used car purchase.

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Investing 101: 4 Tricks for Building Your Portfolio

By Tim McMahon | April 10, 2018

If you are starting to make an income, no matter how young you are, it is never too early to get started with investing. In fact, it is a good idea for parents to start kids off investing so that they have the concepts down well before they even get into the workforce. But, if your parents were not that forward thinking, here are four tricks that will help you get your investment portfolio under way.

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4 Financial Hacks to Prepare for the Cost of Moving

By Guest Author | March 28, 2018

It’s no secret that moving is an exhausting and costly endeavor. Even a short move across town creates a shift in daily routines and requires virtually the same supplies and resources as a long distance move. Boxes, wrapping materials, tape, and a truck—it all adds up. Good planning is the backbone of any unruffled move. Here are a few hacks to include in your plan to keep your moving costs reasonable.

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Going Out in Style: How to Retire in the Lap of Luxury

By Guest Author | March 24, 2018

According to a recent AARP article “21 percent of boomers say they are saving more than last year.” But retiring is still one of the biggest steps that anyone will take in their life. No matter how old you are, you need to start planning for life after work. To do this, you need to have a solid strategy to enjoy your golden years. 

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Cranky Car? A Short Guide to Simple DIY Auto Repairs

By Tim McMahon | March 21, 2018

Taking your car to the shop is expensive. When you’re on a budget, car problems can be more than just a major annoyance. They can totally wreck your budget unless you’ve included an emergency fund. 

Typically shops charge you twice the cost of parts for the labor to install them. So if the parts are listed as costing $100 they will charge you another $200 to install them.

To make matters worse, shops generally get a discount on the cost of the parts and then mark them up to more than they would have cost you if you paid retail. So those $100 parts may have only cost them $60 at wholesale, and you could have bought them retail for $75. But if you’re willing to put in some work, you could save money by handling those repairs yourself.

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A Retirement Checklist: What to Do in the Year before You Retire

By Guest Author | March 16, 2018

Planning your retirement could easily be one of the most joyous moments in one’s life – knowing you’re still vital enough to live for the next couple of decades and earning your freedom to do nothing all day long truly is amazing! However, retirement isn’t as simple as it may seem in the beginning and you need to think it through thoroughly before you embark on this journey. 

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4 Money Sinkholes to Watch for as a Homeowner

By Guest Author | March 7, 2018

Keeping your home well-maintained is going to save you money and help you avoid catastrophic breakdowns. Most minor issues around the house can easily be taken care of as long as you catch them early on. Here is a look at four money sinkholes that every homeowner should keep an eye out for.

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