How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
How to Save Big on Your Weekly Food Shopping
While food is definitely a necessity, sloppy spending at the store can leave your monthly budget shattered. Instead of constantly bringing food back to the shelves because you can’t afford the items, or seeing perfectly good produce go to waste in the fridge each week, use some budgeting tips to make the next shopping experience less stressful and a little more effective.
Read MoreTips For Saving Money On Necessities
We all love saving money, but after the extras have been trimmed from your budget you may still be looking for ways to save even more. While it may seem difficult to save money on purchases you can’t live without, it is possible. Let’s take a look at some ways to save money on things […]
Read MoreWhat First-Time Home Buyers Should Know
Making the decision to buy a home can be both exciting and frightening at the same time. There are many considerations to be accounted for before you even sign the papers. Since this is likely the biggest purchase you have ever made, it’s important to do it right to prepare for the future. Consider the type of home you want to buy, decide on a budget and stick with it, understand that the searching and buying process can be a long and arduous task, and be sure that buying is the best option before you go in. Here are some other good tips to get you started.
Read MoreDid You Know You Can Negotiate Your Medical Bills?
Even with health insurance, you can rack up medical bills if you need an extraordinary surgery or simply have to stay in the hospital for a long period of time to recuperate from a dangerous illness or devastating injury. And for those without health insurance, one simple accident could land you in the hospital for a week and in debt for years.
Read MoreHow to Manage Your Debt
Most people hate, hate, hate the word budget and everything it stands for. For budget haters, curbing spending habits feels very restrictive. However, this is the wrong way to look at it in terms of debt. Having a budget means you always have money. At least that’s the goal.
Read More5 Tips for When Money is Tight
Money problems cause stress in the home and they can lead to tension and even divorce if they continue too long. Don’t ignore financial problems. Instead, adopt a proactive attitude that puts you in charge of your future. Learn from the following tips to get the help you need right now.
Read MoreAvoid the “Money Pit” Syndrome
A remodeling project can become expensive very quickly without you even realizing it. But anyone who has ever watched HGTV knows that there are lots of ways to cut costs… from secondhand stores to doing a lot of the work on your own… The key is knowledge.
Read MoreRetirement Ready? How to Prepare Your Finances before the Big Day
Retirement isn’t a stage in life you can just jump into without preparation. It takes decades of preparation to save enough money to afford the life you want, and it also takes time to get your finances ready for the burden of a life without income.
Read MoreBreaking the Budget Bonds: How to Free Up More of Your Finances
If you’re like most people, you realize that you put a budget in place to limit spending and to reach other financial goals of saving money or paying down debt. Of course, like most people after living on a budget for a while, you may find that although it does help you save and get rid of debt, it doesn’t make life a whole lot of fun.
The answer to this dilemma is not to change your budget and reduce your savings, it’s to change your bills to free up more of your money. Use these tips to help get more freedom in your budget.
Are you Financially Prepared for Retirement?
If you’re like most people who anticipate retirement, you are probably eager to start this next chapter in your life. However, before you start daydreaming about how you will spend all of that free time, make sure you are financially prepared.
Read More5 Tips to Track Your Money
Tracking your income and expenses is key to creating a logical budget that you can stick to. It also prevents you from missing a bill unexpectedly or not being able to prepare ahead of time for a financial emergency. Here are some steps you can take and tools that you can use to get a handle on your income and expenses…
Read More8 Tips for Saving Money on Your Utility Bill
the fourth largest expense in your home is the monthly utility bills. The typical American family spends roughly 11% of their total budget on “Utilities and Other Household Operational Costs.” The only higher expenditures are for your mortgage or rent, taxes and transportation. You actually spend more for utilities than for food, or the total of (Social Security Contributions, Personal Insurance and Pensions), or Healthcare.
Fortunately, there are strategies you can employ that help to reduce the cost of your utilities and free up more of your income. Here are six tips that you can use today and save money in the months and years to come.
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