How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
College Debt Epidemic and a Solution
Back in 1940 attending college was a rare event with less than 5% of adults 25 and older having a college degree and almost 59% of them were male. Only 186,500 people graduated college the year 1940 by 1960 the post war G.I. bill had made college much more affordable for returning servicemen so in […]
Read MoreShould You Ditch Your Real Estate Agent?
The housing market is very slowly gathering momentum, but most house sellers and renters are finding themselves increasingly frustrated at the cut that the real estate agents take for seemingly not a lot of work. So a small number of house sellers have turned their backs on traditional approach and instead are opting for online […]
Read MoreIs There a Magic Retirement Number?
Have you gone online and tried one of those “Retirement Calculators” to determine your “magic retirement number”? When you are young you might fully believe that if you hit that number, you are assured of living the retirement of your dreams. But what they don’t tell you is that a number of assumptions have gone […]
Read MoreMoney Moves for a Happy Marriage
Financial arguments are common in relationships – spouses are often on different wavelengths regarding spending and budgeting. As a matter of fact, financial arguments are one of the most common forms of disagreement. One spouse may be extremely frugal, while the other spouse considers shopping a hobby. Of course this difference in views can create […]
Read MoreTips for House Hunting in a Recession
There are two sides to buying a house. One is if you like the property and it fits your requirements and the other is that you can actually afford it. They are both important but unless you have an unlimited budget you will have to make some trade-offs . Here are a few tips to […]
Read MoreTips for First Time Buyers: Taking your First Steps on the U.K. Property Market
Money in the UK: As the growth in the British housing market reaches its fastest pace in two and a half years, much is being done to improve the increasingly fragile levels of consumer confidence. While this is largely positive news, however, it may have a deceptively negative impact on anyone who aspires to purchase […]
Read MoreHow to Limit Soaring Motoring Costs
Money in the U.K Cars are more expensive to run now than ever before. Soaring petrol prices and spiraling insurance costs mean that at almost every turn commuters and motorists are facing price hikes. The increasing cost of commuting doesn’t mean that you need to scrap your car, but you should consider how you can make it more cost […]
Read MoreProfessional vs. Casual: How to Dress in the Office
Dressing appropriately is just as important during the third year on the job as when attending your first interview. Wearing sensible attire is especially important at corporate functions and dress-down days. Use these tips when you have a question of dress code at work. Ask First It’s really that simple, unfortunately, many miss the boat […]
Read MoreCost of Giving Birth Skyrocketing!
Can you imagine paying half your annual salary just to have a baby? According to recent statistics the median household income is $50,502 and the cost of a single birth is $28,169! That is up from $17,035 before Obamacare was introduced in 2007. Even if you have insurance, you are getting stuck with a much […]
Read MoreBeware of Bad Drivers and Insurance Scams
We have all encountered bad drivers, whether they’re screeching round corners, tailgating or simply “road hogs”. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. Insurance Scams Insurance scams are nothing new, just the tactics change- as insurance companies catch on and the scammers try to stay one step ahead.  The latest reported is the ‘flash for cash’ scam, usually […]
Read MoreMoney Saving Tips for Students
It’s daunting for a parent when they wave their child off as they begin the next chapter of their life as a college student… it only seems like a short while since they were starting kindergarten. Parents do as much as possible to educate their children with life skills: necessities like how to separate the whites and the […]
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