How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
5 Ways To Protect and Grow Your Retirement: Whether You’re 45 or 75 or Somewhere In Between
We just recently celebrated Money Weekly‘s first birthday, and this milestone also got me thinking… If I had a magic wand and could instantly pass along a bundle of critical information to my peers, what would that message include? Since I don’t have a magic wand, I had to distill a bit of my practical wisdom […]
Read MoreCamps, Cottages and More: Understanding Your Vacation Property Insurance in Canada
Although you may understand your homeowner’s insurance, vacation property carries with it different risks that you need to understand. First of all, you’re not living in your vacation home year-round so there are vacancy and possibly tenant related risks. And even if you do spend a considerable amount of time there, vacation homes are often outfitted or even built differently than traditional […]
Read More1, 2, 3 CD: Saving for the Future
Financial planning is the key to survival in a tough economy. The success to family finances is dependent on saving every nickel and dime there is to spare. But what do you do with that money once the piggy bank is full? A wise finance-savvy couple will seek to maximize the return on investment while […]
Read MoreGet The Overtime You Are Entitled To
Employees are entitled to benefits for working hard and putting in more hours than the employer requires them to work in a normal working week. Sometimes deadlines, excessive work loads and the need to prioritize will result in employees staying late or starting early to ensure they meet their deadlines and fulfill their role as […]
Read MoreShould You Go the Self-Storage Route?
While the thought of moving to a new home is very exciting, the actual process of moving can mean nothing but hard work and huge amounts of stress. Many real estate experts emphasize the importance of removing items from your home prior to sale… it is well established that by “de-cluttering” your home, potential buyers will be […]
Read MoreWhat Can You Do if You Have Been Turned Down for Life Insurance
Let’s face it, no one likes rejection. And being turned down for an insurance policy can be very disheartening. It can cause you to wonder about your health and even your future. But it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. Here Are Some Options If You’ve Been Turned Down For Life Insurance If you’ve been turned […]
Read MoreInvesting in Your Future: As Easy as 1, 2, 3
Start the money ball rolling by putting a few dollars away and before long you’ll be able to develop a whole new approach to money… a little less focus on getting the next shiny object and more on building long term sustainable wealth. Saving will not only boost your financial security and your credit scores but it will also reduce stress and worry […]
Read MoreInfluence and Job Security
These days, job security has become a thing of the past, so we all have to work that little bit harder to become irreplaceable. In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. ~Coco Chanel We know we must be committed to the goals of the company and keen to do all we can to help the business thrive. But we also need […]
Read More5 Ways to Finance a Deposit on a Property
After the housing market collapse more than five years ago, lenders are now requiring that borrowers come up with bigger deposits before they can qualify for a mortgage to buy a home. While some home buyers have been saving for years to pay for their deposit, many only have a small portion of what they will […]
Read MoreThe Benefits of Owning a Vacation Rental
Prior to 2008 most Americans were convinced that real estate investing was a guaranteed road to riches and that “housing prices never went down.” Then came the housing crash and from 2007 to 2009 the average house price lost about 25% of it’s value. So those who had borrowed 90% or 95% of their house […]
Read More5 Hacks for Managing Your Family Finances Like a Pro in 2013
According to Harris Interactive’s 2013 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey, most people in the United States struggle to manage their family finances… a full 60% of adults don’t track their monthly spending. But managing family finance is not rocket science. Here are 5 tips that can make you a pro: 1) Income Must Exceed Expenses In order to manage money wisely, you should have […]
Read MoreThe Minimalist Guide to Developing A Successful Small Business
Running a small business is a major undertaking for any family. Businesses generally mean financial independence, entrepreneurship and being on the fast track towards economic security and stability. However, starting a business and developing it in order to be successful is not just a walk in park. There are a lot of things that should be […]
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