How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
Understanding the Deduction for Charitable Donations
When you make a donation to a charity in the United States, it is often tax deductible. Helping organizations that depend upon generous donations to continue their good work can make you feel good. However, the fact that you can lower your tax bill by donating to charity even makes it worthwhile financially. Charity Donations are Tax Deductible […]
Read MoreAppliance Repair or Replace: To Buy or Not To Buy?
Part of being a homeowner is dealing with the inevitable hardship that comes with appliances breaking down and falling into disrepair; however, it can be difficult to determine if the more economical solution is to have the item repaired or simply dispose of it and buy a brand new one. While buying brand new appliances […]
Read MoreTop 10- Nicest Affordable Cars
Affordable Cars- Is it possible to get all the bells and whistles when it comes to your new car without straining your family finances ? Do you want style and class combined with efficiency and affordability? Most people think that to get luxury you need to sacrifice affordability, but this is no longer the case. […]
Read MoreTeaching Your Kids Money Management Skills
Children are hardwired to learn from their own mistakes. A painful fall might teach them not to run on a slippery floor. A bruised finger might teach them to be more careful around closing doors, windows, and drawers. A blood-drawing nip from the family dog or cat might teach them that even cute animals don’t […]
Read MoreCollege Funding Options
Saving for college is an expense that most families have. Not everyone has enough extra money every month to save much for college, but even setting aside a few dollars each month can add up and help alleviate the high cost of your children’s future education. As the cost of college rises, it becomes more […]
Read MoreFinancial Planning is Essential for Survival
Financial Planning- Today every nickel counts, especially in the light of the financial crisis that recently hit the United States (and Europe). Unless you manage your money well, money and you will not see each other much. In other words, you need foolproof financial planning to stay alive. However, here are some of the crucial […]
Read MoreRisky Business: 3 Reasons for Businesses to Have Insurance
Insurance- It’s fairly obvious that the benefits of having insurance far outweigh the costs. A policy has its price, but it’s nothing compared to the staggering sums you might be forced to shell out in the event of an accident. This seeming natural law goes doubly for business owners. 3 Reasons to Have Adequate Insurance […]
Read MoreOffline and Online Discount Coupons
Merchants believe that selling their products through group deals will result in more product sales. In a recent survey, merchants reported that online sales shot up by over 50% as a result of these deals. eCommerce websites and offline businesses have started looking for other ways to increase their sales. Users look for the website […]
Read MoreHow to Have a Beautiful Wedding on a Budget
Can You Really Have A Beautiful Wedding on a Budget? We’ve all heard of ordinary people spending $10,000, $20,000, or even $40,000 on a wedding and stars have been known to spend a million or more. But it doesn’t have to be like that. When my long-term boyfriend proposed to me at the age of […]
Read MoreUnderstanding your Retirement Needs
Understanding your Retirement Needs Many Americans these days have made no real retirement plans for the future, and seem to have a “go with the flow” type mentality. While this may have worked earlier in life, it may hurt you in the end. Planning for retirement is one of the most important steps you can […]
Read MoreCyber Monday and Internet Shopping
Cyber Monday and Black Friday- Is Internet Shopping Better? Are you a Black Friday fanatic or bargain hunter that hates the crowds? More and more consumers are turning to the Internet, mobile apps and e-coupons to stretch holiday dollars, Cyber Monday is the secret for holiday savings — are you in the know? This infographic […]
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