How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
4 Reasons To Own an Educational Savings Account
Saving money for your children’s college education can be one of the hardest things to do. As a parent, you have a lot of responsibilities already. You know that helping your son or daughter with college expenses is one of those responsibilities, but it’s often a low priority because college seems like it’s so far […]
Read MoreHow to Compare Life Insurance Options
Choosing the right life insurance policy can often be confusing and overwhelming. With all the different insurance companies, policy types, and price quotes, it is hard to know which one will provide the coverage that is best for you and your individual situation. If you are thinking of purchasing a life insurance policy but are […]
Read MoreSmart Insurance You Should Invest in
Insurance- Insurance is a safety net. You pay a small amount into the program every month, and they cover the large bills if you have an accident, get sick or are sued. There are several different insurance programs to choose from, but here are some that you should consider investing in. Health Insurance for Long Life Millions […]
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know About Deducting Travel Expenses
Deducting Travel Expenses- Do you use transportation for work or as a Volunteer? The IRS allows you to deduct many different types of transportation expenses, as long as you incur them while conducting business. While you can’t deduct your daily commute to and from work you can deduct many other travel expenses. These expenses include airfare, car […]
Read MoreA Financial Cushion that Protects Your Account from Being Overdrawn
Wouldn’t a pillow be nice between a rock and a hard place? Let me clarify, because the question is a little metaphorical. When was the last time you were in a pinch financially? I don’t mean that your world was falling down around you. I mean you made a miscalculation on your budget or when […]
Read MoreAnnuities: a Great Way to Fund Your Retirement
Whether you’re going to retire soon or still have many years of work ahead of you, planning financially for retirement is very important. The earlier you can start planning, the better. With an unpredictable economy, saving can be difficult, so get some help from an annuity and continue to receive guaranteed income even after you […]
Read MoreAdd Flare to Your Wedding (On a Budget)
Weddings on a Budget- So, you’ve met the person of your dreams and are trying to plan your wedding. Congratulations are in order, but unfortunately, you also have to face the fact that you’re getting married in a time when the economy is the worst it has been in years. If you’re like most of […]
Read MoreHow to Boost the Health of Your Finances
The older that we get, the more we come to realize that our finances really do matter. Whether you’re saving to buy your first house or closing in on retirement, getting your finances in order is an important step to take. You can hire a financial planner to achieve your goals or try to go […]
Read More4 Hidden Costs to Refinancing Your Mortgage
Refinancing Your Mortgage- With so many people turning to refinance their mortgage, perhaps you’re feeling that this is the right thing for you to do, too. While low interest rates and appealing offers could mean that refinancing your mortgage saves you lots of money, don’t be too quick to abandon your original payments. Read the […]
Read MoreThe Joys of Outsourcing
Some businesses grow to a point where hiring more staff is simply an ineffective way of dealing with the challenges of doing things on a large scale. Some tasks are temporary, and others only need to be performed once in a while. It doesn’t make sense to hire and train new people when the process […]
Read MoreDo you know what you need to retire?
Planning for Retirement- Everyone is living longer and there’s no reason to suppose that trend will change anytime soon. While some have the option to work longer, there comes a time when it is nice to say “enough is enough” and retire to the golf course or the garden, see those places that you have […]
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