How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
Mandatory Health Insurance Pros and Cons
Health Insurance In 2010, federal insurance legislation mandated that both employers and individuals must adhere to new insurance laws called “The Affordable Care Act” commonly referred to as “Obama Care”. Everyone in the nation will be required to have insurance by 2014 with few exceptions. These insurance laws have both advantages and disadvantages. Mandatory Health Insurance […]
Read MoreWhy Do I Need a Long Term Care Insurance Policy?
For the first 32 years of my life, I gave absolutely no thought to long-term care insurance policies. By the time I turned 33, I was thankful my grandparents had the foresight to purchase a policy. Both were diagnosed with probable Alzheimer’s disease and my father, their only son, was struggling with cancer and dementia symptoms of his […]
Read MoreTips to Get Out of Debt
Getting out of debt can feel like an overwhelming, hopeless task. In reality, it is quite possible with some concentrated effort. Many people have eliminated substantial debt in just a couple of years once they put their minds to it and made it a priority.  Here are four tips on how to get out of debt. […]
Read MoreWhat are Long Term Investment Accounts?
Long-term investment accounts are used by investors as a way to earn returns that will be realized at some point in the future. Investors in these types of accounts are generally not concerned with earning money that will be used right away. Instead, the purpose of these accounts is saving for some need in the future.  Types […]
Read MoreIs it Time to Expand Your Small Business?
“Chance favors the prepared mind.“ – Louis Pasteur A storefront just next to yours has just come up for lease… Personal obligations have left you without the ability to fulfill client needs for a week or more… A competitor is expanding their services or products, and customers are drifting away from your business… Small Business […]
Read MoreHow Much is a Dad Worth?
For Father’s Day How valuable is your Dad? On mother’s day back in March, we asked you how valuable is your mum and shared a neat infographic showing just what our mums do for us. With father’s day just around the corner, we wanted to reverse the roles and ask how valuable your dad is. […]
Read MoreNavigating the Politics of Health Insurance
One of the hot-button political issues of the day is health insurance. Personal responsibility is a big issue in the current debate on Healthcare Reform. One side believes that the cost of healthcare should be spread evenly among everyone. It sounds fair and reasonable if everyone took care of themselves but the other side says […]
Read MoreTips for Low-Cost Entertainment
Although almost four years have passed since the economy turned south, for many Americans the financial picture is still very difficult. Making the mortgage payment, bills, paying for car repair, insurance, and gasoline, and trying to have a little fun in the meantime can put you under a lot of financial pressure. To make it […]
Read MoreSmall Business Credit Cards
Owning a business can be cash-flow intensive and unfortunately many small business owners need to use credit in order to provide the cash flow they need to succeed. There are many benefits to using business credit cards for your cash flow needs. Not only are business credit cards more appropriate for companies to use, they […]
Read MoreCollege Savings Accounts
Planning for the future of your family is something that takes time and energy. It’s certainly not something that just happens spontaneously. If you have children, one of the things you probably want to start planning as soon as possible is financing a college or post high school education. In today’s world, having an education […]
Read MoreKids Going to College? Ease the Financial Burden
Blogs and bookshops alike are often inundated with financial guides to help students get ready for the monetary challenges that the college years may bring. However for parents, knowing the necessary financial provisions can be more difficult especially for those who have not had the college experience themselves. Of course your teenager is going to […]
Read MoreManaging Your Mother’s Money
By Jeff Clark, Casey Research I manage one of my mother’s IRA accounts, and when it comes to investing money, she doesn’t like to take a lot of risks. I guess the same would be true for most of our mothers – and maybe for many of us as well. Unfortunately, after surveying today’s investment landscape, […]
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