How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
20 Shopping Tips to Help You Save Money
If you’re on a tight budget, you are already looking for ways to save each time you go shopping. Whether it’s buying food or other essentials, the more you save, the better off your bank account will be.  Here are 20 shopping tips to help you save money.
Read MoreSave Money On Your Family’s Canine Costs
If your family has a dog you probably understand how easy it is to feel as though our pet is a member of the human household. Our dogs sit in the kitchen while we eat dinner, come into our rooms when they feel scared, and watch all the same television programs that we do. They […]
Read More3 Basics of Financial Responsibility
By Angelita Williams We’ve all seen articles giving advice on how to budget, where to invest, and when to save. Certainly, these tips can be worthwhile, but it can be very difficult to sort the useful tips from the less useful ones. Moreover, personal finance tips don’t help much unless you understand the basics of personal finance and financial […]
Read MoreCan You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing?
By Kevin Craig One of the first ways people make money online is with affiliate marketing. It’s possible to generate a full time living with affiliate marketing but over ninety per cent of affiliates give up too soon. Following a few techniques is all you need to become a successful affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing is beneficial for both the product creator as […]
Read MoreSave on Automobile Insurance
Whenever you go shopping, you probably look for the best deal. The same can be true for automobile insurance. Research and careful decision making, can pay off in finding the best deal especially when it comes to searching for automobile auto insurance quotes. Using an insurance agent (either independent, or with a company) is the […]
Read More10 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Family Vacation
By Aaron Schulman Going on a family vacation should be relaxing and create lasting memories. Those memories shouldn’t be marred by worries about how you are going to finance the trip or how you are going to pay the bills once you are home again. A well-researched, planned out trip does not have to break the bank. […]
Read MoreHow to Juice Up Your Credit Score
By Alex Summers Your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your financial life. No matter what you think about credit and debt, there’s no shaking the fact that a lot of companies use your credit score to make decisions about you. Everyone knows that banks and credit card companies use your […]
Read MoreTeaching Children How to Save Money – But Also How To Spend And To Give
By Alex Summers When it comes to children and money, the traditional perspective is that kids need to be taught how to save. Parents will give their son or daughter a piggy bank, hand them a quarter once a week, and then instruct their child to save those quarters until the bank becomes full and […]
Read MoreTips For Obtaining Extra Funds in Retirement
The Good Old Days are Gone Years ago when a person was hired into a job it was generally until the age of retirement, 30+ years. Companies gave pensions to workers to encourage longevity with the company. The retiree had a 401K, CDs paying 15%, stock and bonds, and other high-interest savings accounts. At retirement, […]
Read More8 Solid Ways to Insure Your Family for Less
Everyone knows that insurance can be quite expensive, especially if you have a whole family to insure. With all the different types of insurance out there, it can be hard to know how to get the quality insurance your family needs for less money. Fortunately there are some things you can do to make insurance […]
Read More4 Low-Cost Tricks to Promote Your Small Business More Effectively
By Tim Brown Unless you promote your business, there is hardly a chance of it succeeding. Running your business effectively requires that you promote it effectively. One way to do that is by hiring professionals to do the job. However, you may be on a tight budget. In that case, here are some low-cost steps […]
Read MoreDon’t Give Up On Those New Year’s Resolutions Yet
After a week or two of the New Year, many of us are starting to wonder why we ever vowed to those resolutions in the first place. Sure we want to get our spending under control or shed a few extra pounds, but these goals require lifestyle changes that aren’t always the easiest to make. […]
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