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Liability Insurance

Protect Your Business

Yesterday we looked at Personal Injury Claims so I thought that today we would look at “Business Liability”. In a personal injury claim you could be suing either an individual or a company for injuries you sustained due to their negligence.  But what if you are on the other side? What if one of your employees did something stupid like goofing around with a forklift and injured someone? In that case, hopefully your business would have “Liability Insurance” and that is what we will look at today. 

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Self Employment Income Tips

Self-Employed Considerations To Ensure Financial Security

Sometimes becoming self-employed is the only path available if you want to follow your dreams. This can be an excellent way to get the most out of a job while also having more freedom to do as you please from day-to-day. However, while being self-employed definitely has its benefits, it also comes with its share of risks. While these shouldn’t put you off doing what you believe is best for you, it’s important to keep them in mind on your new venture. Otherwise, you might be in for a few unpleasant surprises somewhere down the line. Just be sure to consider these four things before starting your self-employment journey.

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Money Making Hobbies

Fun Money: 5 Hobbies You Can Turn into Extra Income

With technology advancing at the speed of light, it’s easier now than ever to take your hobbies and create them into a viable source of income or even some spending money. Using your hobbies as a way to earn extra money can be fun. It will ensure that you stay passionate about what you’re doing which will likely lead to being able to produce more and create a substantial side hustle.If you’re not sure which hobbies you can use to turn into extra income, here are five ideas that you can start with quickly and for a very low cost—with some of them not even costing anything extra!

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Home Office

Simple Ideas to Create an Inviting Home Office Space

If you’re running your business empire from your home, you already know how tough it can be to divide your living space from your office space. Home business owners should keep these two spaces separated in order to legally take the home office deduction on their taxes.  A home office should be a space dedicated only to work and it needs to be in accordance with the type of work you do. That will show how professional you are and accentuate your effort in making your business thrive and become more successful. The main thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to try to create a balance between making yourself comfortable and creating a space worthy of having clients.

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Stay Productive

Productivity Hacks for Working from Home

Working from home can be great because you have all the freedom you want and the environment that makes you feel comfortable. However, there are more distractions at home than in an office, so you need to be careful. Many people just love taking breaks, but this can lead them to serious setbacks when it comes to meeting deadlines. Nowadays, working outside of your office isn’t as strange as it once was, so people are used to balancing their private and personal life. There are some hacks that can help you stay focused on your work, so try to implement them into your daily routine.

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Brand Building: Five Ideas to Kick Start Your Small Business

When you are first starting out with your own small business, you need to develop a brand so customers are able to know who you are and what you stand for. A brand is much more than a logo. The promise your business makes, the way you present your brand visually, and your company’s focus on customers help to define your brand and what you represent. Take time to work on these details when you are starting out so you can better communicate what you offer to your clients or customers. This process can take some time, but it allows you to be more competitive in your industry.

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