How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
What You Need to Know About Real Estate Investing
Historically, real estate has been one of the most solid investments to consider. But in 2008 real estate got a huge “Black Eye”. Personal and commercial properties can offer excellent opportunities for investors. But as in many things timing is everything.
Read More5 Simple Steps to Take Control Of Your Financial Future
It seems obvious that everyone wants to have a strong stable financial future. But wanting and getting are two different things. Fortunately (or unfortunately as the case may be) the decisions that we make early in life can affect how much wealth we develop later on. To take control of your financial future, here are a few simple steps that you can take to drastically increase your chances for success.
Read MoreTax Season Tricks to Get the Best Return
Most people dread the process of filing their taxes. But maximizing your return with a few minor tweaks in the way you file could take a bit of the anxiety out of the process. Reevaluating your W-4, reconsidering your filing status, and claiming the earned income tax credit are just a few ways you can get the biggest return possible on your income taxes. So, stop dreading filing your taxes and start looking forward to a big return by following these simple tips.
Read MoreFinancial Survival for Seniors
Financial health plays a crucial role in the quality of life for aging Seniors. How we spend these years depends, in a large part, on the financial foundation we lay during our active employment years. Although many people find their resources dwindling as they move into retirement, and find Social Security inadequate to cover all our expenses, there are several steps that you can take to effectively finance your golden years.
Read MoreFour Ways to Maximize your Family Business’ Efficiency
Today is an exciting time in business, and it’s easier than ever to get out there and offer your products and services. However, since the advent of the internet, there’s also more competition now than there ever was before. Not only do you have to keep up with local competitors, but you also have to […]
Read MoreAvoiding Medical Overcharges, Errors and Extortion
Even with insurance, medical bills can take a huge bite out of your wallet due to deductibles and co-pays. That is why it’s important to carefully analyze your bill for errors, overcharges and just plain extortion. Medical Bill Overcharges are extremely common, recently I heard a case where a woman was in the hospital for […]
Read MoreHidden Write-Offs You Shouldn’t Forget in Your Taxes This Year
For most taxpayers, reducing their annual tax burden is a major financial goal. According to the Internal Revenue Service, millions of Americans claim deductions on their taxes every year. Some examples of popular deductions include real estate taxes, home mortgage interest, charitable gifts, and local taxes. However, many taxpayers overlook a number of tax write-offs that could make a significant impact on their tax burden. Where applicable, consider applying the following tax deductions to your return this year.
Read MoreTop 10 Cities for 1st Time Home Buyers and Retirees
Recently “The Money Source” decided to mine their database of home loan applications and choose their top 10 cities for first time home buyers. Of course every list like this is somewhat subjective and depends a lot on what criteria they used for their decisions. But when it comes to first time home buyers obviously low cost real estate is going to be a major priority. Another key factor will be a healthy local economy that provides plentiful job opportunities. But in addition to just financial factors choosing a location to relocate to also involves ascetics i.e things to do, places to go, and people to see.
Read MoreHow to Get Your Finances in Order Before Moving Internationally
Have you ever considered moving internationally? In recent years many retirees have found that there are many places around the world that provide a peaceful, welcoming environment at a much lower cost than if they stayed at home.
If you’re considering moving overseas, then your first order of business should be getting your finances in order. You may think that packing and finding movers is at the top of your priorities, but the fact is that you can run into serious problems in your new home if the money is not in order. It’s best to tend to these issues now so that you can avoid problems when you’re trying to get settled in to your new environment.
Read MoreRetirement Funds: Smart Investments for Beginners
Most people experience some level of fear when trying something new. And if that new thing has to do with your finances, it can seem daunting and risky. This is often the case when you first begin investing for retirement. How much you should you invest? What if you need the money before you retire? What should you invest in? How much is enough for a stable retired life? This article attempts to highlight some ways you can successfully wade through the murky waters of retirement investing.
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