How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season
By Tim McMahon |
How Expensive It Is To Bring Up A Child In The US?
With the current economic meltdown and post recession hangover, the cost of almost everything has been increasing by leaps and bounds.And the cost of child care is no exception. The latest updates of Department of Agriculture (USA) claims the cost of raising a child has been amplified ten times since 1960. In fact for a family […]
Read MoreMaking Financial Resolutions for the New Year
Christmas has past and the new year is upon us. It’s a great time for some personal reflection. First, look back and think about last year. Did you have a good year? A worthwhile one? Did you treat people well and appreciate your family? Did you enjoy yourself? Did you conduct your finances in a […]
Read MoreAppliances That Bump Up Your Electricity Bill
Do you know how much you pay for your electricity every month? Most of us don’t always take a good look at our utility bills, preferring to pay the amount due without so much as a perfunctory glance at the numbers that reflect our consumption pattern. This bad habit prevents us from knowing where and […]
Read MoreDon’t Throw Out Old Appliances, Save Money By Fixing Them!
If a key home appliance fails then it can be very costly to replace, but you don’t want the dirty laundry piling up because the washing machine isn’t working. There is a simple alternative to buying a replacement that can save you a lot of money. Every year thousands of repairable home appliances are being […]
Read MoreWhy Are We Working Harder For Less?
These days, the standard for most Americans is to work harder and harder at work everyday. Between bosses pushing us to the absolute limit and increased expectations from clients and customers, it seems like there is no room for failure. Everyone is being asked to do more work in the guise of a bad […]
Read MoreMoney-Saving Ideas for Frugal Moms and Dads
Being a mom or dad is not always an easy task, nor a cheap one. There are many things that must be considered when providing for your children and raising a happy, healthy family. Necessary items such as food, medicine, and household goods are all required expenses. Then there are things like clothing and family […]
Read MoreSurviving the Black Friday Pandemonium
With the economy in a slump many people have gotten caught up in the day after Thanksgiving “Black Friday” madness this year. The advertisements and media hype can have you working up a storm about getting to the big box retailers to snap up the best deals. But when you step back to think about all of […]
Read MorePutting a Gleam in Your IRA
You likely have seen invitations to open a “Gold IRA” or something with a similar name. Perhaps you should, but before you do, think about why an Individual Retirement Account might or might not be a good place to hold gold. That may tell you something about the best way to introduce gold into your IRA. Gold isn’t the only investment that raises the “Does it belong in an IRA?” question. Every investment does. And for every investment, the answer is, “It depends.” It depends on the nature of the other assets in your overall portfolio. It depends on how big the IRA is compared to your total holdings. And it depends on your judgment as to which investments are likely to be the most profitable.
Read MoreHomes Turning Into Warzone Over Fear of Energy Bills
The energy companies have done it again. Just as the winter approaches, they have felt the need to increase their prices when consumers’ consumption is at its highest. With an average price increase on gas of 17.4 per cent and an average increase of 10.8 per cent on electricity, energy supplier look set to rake […]
Read MoreHow to Effectively Compare Removalist Companies
Moving into a new home is an expensive prospect. With the cost of settling in looming in front, you can do well to save some money on house moving. There are many house removal companies for you to choose from and hence, there are a variety of prices on offer. Browsing around will help you […]
Read MoreWhy Occupy Wall Street is Wrong-Headed
By Alex Summers If you turn on the news, you will discover that the mainstream media is taking the side of the protestors in the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations across the country. The only outlet that is not giving this group a walk in the park is Fox News, who are trying to analyze the […]
Read MoreTake Control of Your Life
People spend their lives dreaming of the day when they will finally be in control of their own destiny. As children, they dream of the day they get to tie their own shoelaces and choose their own food. As young teenagers, they dream of the freedom of having their own car and as older teens, […]
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