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Financial Survival for Seniors

Financial health plays a crucial role in the quality of life for aging Seniors. How we spend these years depends, in a large part, on the financial foundation we lay during our active employment years. Although many people find their resources dwindling as they move into retirement, and find Social Security inadequate to cover all our expenses, there are several steps that you can take to effectively finance your golden years.

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Retirement Funds: Smart Investments for Beginners

Most people experience some level of fear when trying something new. And if that new thing has to do with your finances, it can seem daunting and risky. This is often the case when you first begin investing for retirement. How much you should you invest? What if you need the money before you retire? What should you invest in? How much is enough for a stable retired life? This article attempts to highlight some ways you can successfully wade through the murky waters of retirement investing.

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Tricks to Help You Survive Retirement Financially

Financial advisers strongly recommend that before you consider retirement you should be debt free. After all, if you couldn’t pay your debts with a higher income, how will you be able to do so with a reduced retirement income? But sometimes things don’t work out as planned, perhaps you are forced to retire earlier than planned due to downsizing or health issues, so it’s a good idea to have a backup plan in place.

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Can a Double-wide Save Your Retirement?

Retirement is actually a fairly recent invention. In ancient times people didn’t often live long enough to retire and those that did were often unable to accumulate enough savings to live on and thus simply relied on their children to support them while also continuing to contribute to the family to the best of their ability. There were several attempts to establish a government pension including one established during the Revolutionary war and although the states were responsible for making payments, they fulfilled their obligation to only 3,000 disabled veterans. Private pensions however, got their start during WWII. During the war, the National War Labor Board froze wages in an effort to prevent (i.e. to mask) inflation. But simultaneously there was a massive shortage of workers due to the war effort so companies offered other benefits like the defined benefit pension plan to woo workers.

But then in the 1960’s and 70’s massive stock market gains made some companies believe that their pension plans were “over-funded” so they began raiding their pension plans but then the stock market took back the gains and the plans were underfunded so companies began switching to individual IRA’s and 401k plans. So then people were no longer guaranteed a secure retirement since it now depended on your individual contribution, as well as the company portion. Today Dennis Miller will look at some alternatives to save your retirement.

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