
How to Financially Prepare for Hurricane Season

Hurricane season in Florida is an annual event that brings a mix of anxiety and preparation. The financial impact of a hurricane can be significant, but with the right strategies, you can safeguard your finances and ensure you’re prepared for whatever the season brings. This guide offers comprehensive advice on how to financially prepare for hurricane season in Florida so that you can face the storm with confidence and peace of mind.

5 Surprising Ways to Save Money on Household Expenses

By Guest Author | April 21, 2017

Trying to cut down on household expenses is never an easy task. After all, these recurring monthly costs seem never ending. But it turns out that there are few simple changes that you can make that will save you a lot of money over a period of time. Here are five surprising ways to save money on household expenses:

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How to Coupon the Modern High-Tech Way

By Tim McMahon | April 17, 2017

You’ve probably heard fantastic stories of professional “couponers” who descend on a grocery store line with a stack of coupons an leave the store with a truckload of merchandise for a couple of dollars. Although coupons can often mean tremendous savings, getting this level of discount is time consuming and requires almost obsessive planning and organization. Most people like to get things for free or at a discounted price, but they don’t have the time to take couponing to this level. Fortunately, technology has made it a little easier to use coupons and to reduce our everyday expenses without having to be obsessive to do it.

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Credit Cards Out of Control? 3 Ways to Get You Back on Your Feet

By Guest Author | April 11, 2017

Interest on your credit cards adds up fast. An initial purchase of $1000, with an interest rate of 18%, could take years to pay off, assuming that you make only the minimum payments each month. In fact, if you make even a few late payments the penalties could result in NEVER paying it off, as you’ll see in a moment.

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More Than a Price Tag: How to Calculate the Overall Cost of Buying a Home

By Tim McMahon | April 11, 2017

If only buying a home was as simple as buying a loaf of bread at the grocery store. Life sure would be easier. Imagine the price that you see on a home actually being the price you end up paying. As you likely know by now, that simply is not the case. Depending on where […]

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4 Tips For Finding Deals On Everyday Necessities

By Guest Author | April 8, 2017

Finding deals on everyday necessities is much easier than you think. Many are shocked to find they are overpaying for groceries, health services and other essentials. When you take advantage of local deals, coupons, mobile apps and web-based subscription services, you can save money on the items you purchase daily. Check out these great tips to start saving money today.

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Sprucing Up Your Yard On A Budget (Video)

By Tim McMahon | April 4, 2017

No matter how big or how small your yard, you want it to look great. You might think that this isn’t possible on a limited budget, but there are many things you can do that don’t require a great deal of money. Consider the following ways t0 spruce up your yard when you’re on a budget.

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Energy Finances 101: How to Decrease Your Bills By 10 Percent or More!

By Tim McMahon | April 1, 2017

Next to your mortgage, energy costs are one of your major monthly expenses. The average U.S. household spends about $325 on heating and cooling a month, and that is less than half of your total energy bill… of course this amount varies drastically by location, size of home and individual lifestyle.

It is understandable that families want to cut some of these costs, especially when money is tight. The following are just a few tips to help your family reduce their household bills.

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Replacement Windows

Upgrade Your Windows and Save

By Tim McMahon | March 21, 2017

As much as 30% of your home’s energy energy loss can be due to older single pane windows. If they are drafty and leaky the loss can be even more. So replacing older windows is a project that can easily pay for itself. If you live in a place that requires both heating and cooling new windows can save you money year round. But replacing windows can offer other benefits as well.

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Car Debt Trap

Avoid the Car Debt Trap

By Tim McMahon | March 20, 2017

Just because you are in the market for a car doesn’t mean that you have to drain your bank account, or worse yet, go into years of financial servitude… umm… I mean debt. There are many ways to buy the car that you need at a price that you can afford. Let’s look at a few ways that you can still maintain fiscal sanity while purchasing a vehicle.

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Break Free, Reduce Stress and Upgrade Your Lifestyle

By Tim McMahon | March 19, 2017

After spending years on a tight budget, struggling to make ends meet, you finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. With time and hard work, you’re able to move beyond worrying about paying the bills. In fact, you may be at a point in your life where you’re living a bit more comfortably.

Unfortunately, life is a giant paradox… throughout most of our lives we are in one of two situations either we have plenty of time but no money or we have enough money but no time. If you’ve conquered the money problem and are fighting the time problem, how would you like to improve your lifestyle and free up some time?

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Simple Ways to Cut Your Car Insurance Rates

By Guest Author | March 16, 2017

Everyone knows that it’s illegal to drive without car insurance but why? Well, accidents can happen at any time–which, is why they are called accidents. And because by their very nature cars are dangerous and can cause everything from loss of life to severe financial hardship it is necessary to be sure that an uninsured person doesn’t cause an accident and then say oh sorry I have no money to pay for all the damage I caused.

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What You Need to Know About Non-Bank Lending

By Tim McMahon | March 14, 2017

If you’re looking for a mortgage loan, you may think you have to go through a bank. You would be wrong! In fact, half of all home loans are through non-bank lending – also known as alternative lending. As the name implies, a non-bank lender is not a bank or credit union. It can be […]

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