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Save money on internet

4 Ways to Save on Internet Expenses

These days, many families have to make do on reduced budgets due to a reduction in the number of hours they are working because of the virus. With the rising costs of various services, this can certainly be a challenge. However, not every service is expendable. You can’t really be without internet service if you want to live and work in the modern world. Unfortunately, sometimes gaining access to the internet can also be expensive. Thankfully, there are strategies you can use to save on internet expenses for your household.

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4 Ways Your House Can Be Costing You Money

Whether it’s high gas prices, interest paid on debt, or overpriced food, no one likes to waste money. Of all the things you spend money on, though, one of your biggest money wasters could be one you least expect: your home. Given its multi-faceted nature, there are many components of your home that could be costing you money unnecessarily. To help make you more aware of these issues, here are four ways your house can be costing you money.

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Kids and money

How to Help Your Teens Learn to Save Instead of Spend

Teenagers are in the middle of big life transitions. It can be hard to be a teen in the modern age. Peer pressure is a major issue among the young crowd. Teens often feel pressure to purchase all sorts of things. If you’re a parent who wants to encourage your youngster to save money, then these strategies may come in handy for you. It’s important for teens to learn early about the value of saving.

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College Hustles

Make Extra Money while Going to College

College is expensive and can set the stage for debt payments for years and years to come. The average student today expects to rack up about $40,000 in student loans and believes it will take 10 years to pay off them off. According to U.S. News “The standard repayment plan for federal student loans puts borrowers on a 10-year track to pay off their debt, but research has shown the average bachelor’s degree holder takes 21 years to pay off his or her loans.” 
The first step is to make every effort to not rack up the debt in the first place this can include things like going to Community College to get the basics first (at a much lower cost) and earning money while in college. 

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Valuable coins

How to Start and Build a Valuable Coin Collection

Almost every youngster dreams of finding a buried treasure. As we get older our dreams may change and we begin to dream of winning the lottery or getting a visit from Publishers Clearing House. While the odds of any of these things happening are rather slim if you know what you are looking for you can discover valuable coins in your pocket change. So, in addition to being an interesting hobby, coin collecting can also be lucrative as well. You most likely won’t find any rare coins right away, but you can build up a valuable and sizable collection over time by simply remaining consistent. Here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to start your own coin collection.

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Financial Planning for Parents

4 Financial Planning Tips for Parents

Having a baby on the way requires a huge amount of planning. You have to plan all your doctor’s visits, design your child’s room, and figure out how long you’re going to stay out of work post-baby. You might even be planning your meals or researching your childcare options. However, there is one area that many parents forget to plan for – finances. While financial planning might be the last thing on your mind with a new baby on the way, it is extremely important. After all, according to Time, it takes approximately $245,340 in total to raise a baby from birth to adulthood. That is a huge amount of anyone’s income and requires a great deal of forethought to do effectively. Follow these financial tips to ensure that you and your child have the best financial future possible.

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